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Νοε 01
- Oesophageal foreign body: the importance of imagin...
- Leydig cell tumour and mature ovarian teratoma: ra...
- Disconnected pancreatic duct syndrome: a multidisc...
- Infected pseudoaneurysm of the left anterior desce...
- Bilateral fractures in a shoulder dystocia delivery
- Advanced gastric cancer linitis plastica presented...
- High-resolution DNA content analysis of microbiops...
- Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome in HIV...
- An Update on Kaposi’s Sarcoma: Epidemiology, Patho...
- Effect of Therapeutic Exercise on the Activation o...
- The adverse impact of surveillance intervals on th...
- Geniculate Ganglion Tumors: Clinical Presentation ...
- Effects of Covering Surgical Wounds with Polyglyco...
- Muscle Tension Dysphagia: Symptomology and Theoret...
- Decisional Conflict and Regret in Parents Whose Ch...
- Cricohyoidoepiglottopexy in Laryngeal Trauma
- Tumor Debulking in the Management of Laryngeal Can...
- Improving Access to Head and Neck Cancer Surgical ...
- Genetic and Environmental Determinants of Otitis M...
- Programmatic Assessment of a Comprehensive Quality...
- Maxillofacial gunshot wounds and diagnostic tests ...
- Effect of noise on tasks in operating theatres: a ...
- Collagen Content Limits Optical Coherence Tomograp...
- Quality Indicators for Head and Neck Oncologic Sur...
- Successful Implementation of a Clinical Care Pathw...
- ACS NSQIP Risk Calculator: An Accurate Predictor o...
- The History and Evolution of Surgery on the Vestib...
- Use of Lean and CAHPS Surgical Care Survey to Impr...
- Electrophysiologic Evaluation of the Facial Nerve ...
- Developing Quality Measures for Adult Cochlear Imp...
- Primary Caregiver Perception of Pain Control follo...
- Medical Information Exchange: Pattern of Global Mo...
- Highlights from the Current Issue: November 2016
- Are Online Zenkers Diverticulum Materials Readable...
- Gene Methylation Profiling in Sinonasal Adenocarci...
- Stapedotomy vs Cochlear Implantation for Advanced ...
- Voice Outcomes following a Single Office-Based Ste...
- Head and Neck Manifestations of Eosinophilic Granu...
- The Role of Helicobacter pylori in Laryngopharynge...
- Effect of Botulinum Toxin and Surgery among Spasmo...
- Bilateral Ocular Decompression Retinopathy after A...
- Erratum to: Two-weeks-sustained unresponsiveness b...
- Evaluation of salivary catalase, vitamin C, and al...
- Double-injection technique assisted by a nerve sti...
- Comparative analysis of resuscitation using human ...
- Patient-completed, preoperative web-based anaesthe...
- Laryngeal tube suction II or endotracheal intubati...
- What's the best way to match the implant to the br...
- Electrically Evoked Medial Olivocochlear Efferent ...
- Ashy dermatosis or ashy dermatosis-like pigmentati...
Νοε 01
- ► Σεπτεμβρίου (877)
- ► Φεβρουαρίου (41)
- ► Ιανουαρίου (39)
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Αναπαύσεως 5
Άγιος Νικόλαος Κρήτη 72100
Τρίτη 1 Νοεμβρίου 2016
Patient-completed, preoperative web-based anaesthetic assessment questionnaire (electronic Personal Assessment Questionnaire PreOperative): Development and validation.
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