Anapafseos 5 . Agios Nikolaos
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No abstract is available for this article.
Eine Versorgung chronisch Kranker über alle Sektoren und Betreuungsbereiche hinweg ist in Deutschland meist noch Utopie. Doch mancherorts gibt es Keimzellen für neue Modelle mit Vorbildcharakter.
Bei der Dermatologischen Praxis in Frankenthal konnten die Teilnehmer wieder aus einer Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Veranstaltungen mit über 70 Referenten auswählen. Ein Schwerpunkt war am Samstag die Behandlung der Akne. Ebenfalls am Samstag hatten die Besucher auch Gelegenheit, sich in einem Workshop der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ästhetische Dermatologie und Kosmetologie (ADK) aus erster Hand über wichtige Themen der ästhetischen Medizin zu informieren.
Bei Patienten mit Psoriasis oder atopischem Ekzem bringt es für den Juckreiz offenbar nichts, eine Phototherapie mit UV-B-Strahlen durch einen UV-A-Anteil zu ergänzen. Angesichts möglicher kumulativer Nebenwirkungen empfehlen Schweizer Forscher, die Indikation für den UV-A-Zusatz restriktiv zu stellen.
Beruf und Familie — das funktioniert auch in eigener Praxis. Vielleicht sogar besser als im Krankenhaus. Diese Erkenntnis konnten junge Ärzte vom „Tag der Chancen" in Thüringen im März mitnehmen.
I read with great interest the study by Li et al. entitled "Cleft relapse and oronasal fistula after Furlow palatoplasty in infants with cleft palate: incidence and risk factors"1. The aim of the study was to investigate the risk factors for the development of postoperative cleft relapse and oronasal fistula after Furlow palatoplasty. By using multivariate analysis, they showed that only the width of the cleft had a statistically significant impact on the incidence of cleft relapse and oronasal fistula.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this in vivo study was to evaluate two different types of implant-abutment connections: screwed connection and cemented connection, analyzing peri-implant bacteria microflora as well as other clinical parameters.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty implants were selected, inserted in 20 patients, 10 with a screwed implant-abutment connection (Group 1) and 10 with a cemented implant-abutment connection (Group 2). The peri-implant microflora was collected, after at least 360 days from the prosthetic rehabilitation, using paper points inserted in peri-implant sulcus for 30 s. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Real-time analyzed the presence of 9 bacteria periodontal-pathogens and Candida albicans.
RESULTS: Our findings showed that bacteria colonized all Groups analyzed, the average bacterial count was 3.7 E +08 (±1.19) in Group 1, compared to 2.1 E +08 (±0.16) in Group 2; no statistically significant differences were observed (p>0.0.5). In Group 1, however, bacterial colonization of peri-implant sulci was over the pathogenic threshold for 5 bacteria, indicating a high-risk of peri-implantitis. Also in Group 2, results showed a microflora composed by all bacteria analyzed but, in this case, bacterial colonization of peri-implant sulci was over the pathogenic threshold for only 1 bacterium, indicating a lower risk of peri-implantitis. Moreover, clinical parameters (PPD > 3 mm and m SBI > 0) confirmed a greater risk of peri-implantitis in Group 1 compared to Group 2 (p<0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that, also after only 360 days, implants with screwed connection showed a higher risk of peri-implantitis that implants with cemented connection.
L'articolo A randomized clinical trial about presence of pathogenic micro-flora and risk of peri-implantitis: comparison of two different types of implant-abutment connections sembra essere il primo su European Review.
Hypodontia is the term most commonly applied to the condition in which teeth congenitally fail to develop. Such cases differ from teeth that have been lost early or that have failed to erupt, although their initial presentation may be similar and therefore not recognised. The range of missing teeth and their physical and psychological results is large, and the difference in complexity in the management of a patient with isolated hypodontia compared with one with oligodontia or anodontia together with skeletal and orthognathic discrepancies should not be underestimated.
Surgically-assisted rapid palatal expansion is an acceptable approach for the correction of a transverse deficiency of the maxilla in skeletally mature patients (Fig. 1). Although it is effective, there may be serious complications,1 such as the loss of periodontal bone and the central incisors,2 but preoperative orthodontic preparation minimises the risk. Separation of the roots of the central incisors by preoperative orthodontic management improves overall clinical success, but the risk of dental complications still exists.
Rhabdomyoma is a benign tumour of striated muscle, and outside the heart they are rare and classified as adult, fetal, and genital subtypes.1 They are found twice as often in men as women, and commonly in adults over 40 years old.2 Of the 115 reported cases of extracardiac rhabdomyoma, 76% were found in the head and neck, but rarely in the submandibular space.3 We describe an exceptional example of bilateral rhabdomyomas in the submandibular spaces.
Tumorerkrankungen stellen die zweithäufigste Todesursache in der industrialisierten Welt dar. Das zunehmende Verständnis der molekularen Ätiopathogenese von Tumoren und des Einflusses auf die klinische Heterogenität und das Therapieansprechen hat zu einer Präzisierung onkologischer Strategien geführt. Hereditäre Dispositionssyndrome werden aufgrund fehlender Awareness hierzulande nur zu einem kleinen Anteil durch klinische und konsekutive molekulargenetische Testung identifiziert. In Anbetracht des weitreichenden Benefits für Betroffene und deren Familien wären systematische molekulargenetische Untersuchungen bei allen gastrointestinalen Tumoren sinnvoll.
Eine Recherche und Auswertung aktueller Literatur wurden durchgeführt.
Durch Identifikation von Mutationsträgern eröffnen sich zahlreiche Optionen für Präventionsstrategien. Diese reichen von einer Änderung der Lifestyle-Faktoren über eine medikamentöse Prävention bis hin zu risikoreduzierenden prophylaktischen Operationen. Allerdings muss hierbei das syndrombezogene Risiko des Auftretens der Tumorerkrankung (Penetranz) unter Berücksichtigung des Gens oder evtl. des genauen Genlokus und des Geschlechts (Gender) sowie des Alters mit der Morbidität jeder Maßnahme genau abgewogen werden. Es ist die Rolle der Behandler unterschiedlicher Disziplinen, über die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen präventiver Maßnahmen so zu beraten, dass Betroffene eine informierte Entscheidung treffen können. In dieser Übersichtsarbeit werden der aktuelle Stand präventiver Optionen in der Behandlung hereditärer Tumorerkrankungen des Gastrointestinaltrakts dargestellt und Konsequenzen für das klinische Management diskutiert.
Calculus migration is a common problem during ureteroscopic laser lithotripsy procedure to treat urolithiasis. A conventional experimental method to characterize calculus migration utilized a hosting container (e.g., a "V" grove or a test tube). These methods, however, demonstrated large variation and poor detectability, possibly attributed to the friction between the calculus and the container on which the calculus was situated. In this study, calculus migration was investigated using a pendulum model suspended underwater to eliminate the aforementioned friction. A high-speed camera was used to study the movement of the calculus which covered zero order (displacement), first order (speed), and second order (acceleration). A commercialized, pulsed Ho:YAG laser at 2.1 μm, a 365-μm core diameter fiber, and a calculus phantom (Plaster of Paris, 10 × 10 × 10 mm3) was utilized to mimic laser lithotripsy procedure. The phantom was hung on a stainless steel bar and irradiated by the laser at 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 J energy per pulse at 10 Hz for 1 s (i.e., 5, 10, and 15 W). Movement of the phantom was recorded by a high-speed camera with a frame rate of 10,000 FPS. The video data files are analyzed by MATLAB program by processing each image frame and obtaining position data of the calculus. With a sample size of 10, the maximum displacement was 1.25 ± 0.10, 3.01 ± 0.52, and 4.37 ± 0.58 mm for 0.5, 1, and 1.5 J energy per pulse, respectively. Using the same laser power, the conventional method showed <0.5 mm total displacement. When reducing the phantom size to 5 × 5 × 5 mm3 (one eighth in volume), the displacement was very inconsistent. The results suggested that using the pendulum model to eliminate the friction improved sensitivity and repeatability of the experiment. A detailed investigation on calculus movement and other causes of experimental variation will be conducted as a future study.
Meningiomas are benign extraaxial tumors of the central nervous system (CNS). Extracranial meningiomas are extremely rare (2%) and can develop as a direct extension from a primary intracranial meningioma or as true primary extracranial meningioma originating from ectopic arachnoid cells. Only eight cases of primary meningioma in the jaw have been reported to date. Extracranial meningiomas are frequently misdiagnosed, resulting in inappropriate clinical management. The aim of this article was to describe the case of a man with an asymptomatic swelling in the right retromolar area over a period of 2 months. Cone beam computed tomography was performed to determine the extension and involvement of the adjacent structures. Histopathological findings and immunohistochemical analysis aided in the diagnosis of primary extracranial meningioma in the mandible and several aspects of this unusual neoplasm are reviewed. The treatment of choice was a partial resection of the mandible and reconstruction with autogenous iliac tricortical bone. Five years after surgery, the patient remains free of disease.
Research on frontal sinus cells has been conflicting regarding relationship between frontal sinus cells and frontal sinus disease. There are no published studies regarding gender differences in frontal sinus disease. No comparisons between African Americans and Caucasians and frontal sinus disease have been published. This study attempts to define the above relationships as well as the relationship between number and types of cells and disease.
The objective of this study was to determine if a flexible robotic system caused increased tissue reaction when accessing the oropharynx and hypopharynx compared to intubation controls in only 2 scenarios: high speed tissue impact and multiple unit insertions and retractions. The data obtained were submitted as part of the entirety of information submitted for FDA approval.
To increase otolaryngology resident experience with drilling and dissection of the internal auditory canal (IAC) via a translabyrinthine approach.
To compare cumulative acute toxicity in head and neck cancer patients treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy alone (CCRT) versus induction chemotherapy (IC) followed by CCRT (I/CCRT).
The informed consent was obtained from the patient. A 57-year old woman was diagnosed as a trachea adenoid cystic carcinoma. A large tumor was found in the upper tracheal under fiber bronchoscopy (FBO), which the lower edge of the tumor was about 3cm proximal to the carina and the tumor size was about 4cm, obstructing the tracheal lumen by 92%. The gap at the narrowest intraluminal point was about 0.5cm (Fig.1A, B). Abnormal FEV 1% FVC: 22.07 and PaO2: 6.5kPa were detected by pulmonary function test and arterial blood gas test on room air respectively.
From Clinical Thyroidology for the Public: Hyperthyroidism, or an overactive thyroid, is a common disorder with an estimated lifetime risk of 2-5% in the general population. Read More….
The post Clinical Thyroidology for the Public – Highlighted Article appeared first on American Thyroid Association.
Xeroderma pigmentosum ist eine seltene autosomal-rezessiv vererbte Genodermatose, die durch Mutationen in Genen, verantwortlich für die Reparatur UV-induzierter DNA-Schäden, verursacht wird. Die Erkrankung ist charakterisiert durch erhöhte UV-Lichtsensitivität und eine Poikilodermie, Augenbeteiligung und bei manchen Patienten durch ausgeprägte Sonnenbrände und neurologische Mitbeteiligung. Es besteht ein erhöhtes Risiko für die Entwicklung von Augen- und Hauttumoren an sonnenexponierten Arealen. Derzeit besteht keine kurative Therapie. Als protektive Maßnahme wird ein absoluter Lichtschutz vor allen UV-Strahlungen dringend empfohlen.
Der Nutzen von Sonnenschutzmitteln mit Lichtschutzfaktoren (LSF) jenseits 50 ist umstritten. Um eine Irreführung des Konsumenten zu vermeiden, sind mehrere Länder bereits dazu übergegangen, LSF über 50 nicht mehr auf Sonnenschutzmitteln zu deklarieren. Argumente gegen hohe LSF sind das Risiko eines unausgewogenen Schutzes, der die Gefahr von Schäden durch längerwellige ultraviolette Strahlung erhöhen könnte; Vermittlung eines falschen Sicherheitsgefühls, das zur zeitlichen Ausdehnung der Sonnenexposition verleiten könnte; gesundheitliche Risiken durch höhere Konzentration an Filtersubstanzen und die nur marginal höhere Lichtblockade. Demgegenüber steht die Erkenntnis, dass der funktionelle LSF von Sonnenschutzmitteln in der praktischen Anwendung ohnehin weit hinter dem deklarierten LSF zurückbleibt und daher der Einsatz von höheren LSF bei sensitiven Individuen und starker UV-Belastung durchaus Sinn machen könnte.
Die Nase bildet die ersten 8 cm des oberen Respirationstrakts und dient neben der Luftzufuhr der Reinigung, Befeuchtung und Temperierung der Atemluft. Dies wird als Konditionierung bezeichnet. Diffusor und Beschleuniger der Atemluft ist die Nasenklappenregion, gebildet aus dem Kopf der unteren Nasenmuschel, Anteilen des knorpeligen Septums und des Lateralknorpels. Voraussetzungen sind regelrechte mukoziliäre Clearance und ausreichender Luftdurchtritt. Die Hypertrophie der unteren Nasenmuscheln ist eine der häufigsten Ursachen symptomatischer Nasenatmungsbehinderungen. Rhinometrische Verfahren stellen bei unklaren Fällen die erweiterte Diagnostik dar. Neben der konservativen Therapie einer allergischen oder vasomotorischen Rhinitis mittels spezifischer Immuntherapie bzw. topischer Kortikoide gibt es diverse interventionelle Verfahren zur Verkleinerung des Muschelgewebes bei einem hohen Maß an Schonung der respiratorischen Schleimhaut.
Dengue remains one of the most important mosquito-borne diseases worldwide. Infection with one of the serologically related dengue viruses (DENVs) can lead to a wide range of clinical manifestations and severity. Severe dengue is characterized by plasma leakage and abnormal bleeding that can lead to shock and death. There is currently no specific treatment for severe dengue due to gaps in understanding of the underlying mechanisms. The transient period of vascular leakage is usually followed by a rapid recovery and is suggestive of the effects of short-lived biological mediators. Both the innate and the adaptive immune systems are activated in severe dengue and contribute to the cytokine production. We discuss the immunological events elicited during a DENV infection and identify candidate cytokines that may play a key role in the severe manifestations of dengue and possible interventions.
Meningiomas are benign extraaxial tumors of the central nervous system (CNS). Extracranial meningiomas are extremely rare (2%) and can develop as a direct extension from a primary intracranial meningioma or as true primary extracranial meningioma originating from ectopic arachnoid cells. Only eight cases of primary meningioma in the jaw have been reported to date. Extracranial meningiomas are frequently misdiagnosed, resulting in inappropriate clinical management. The aim of this article was to describe the case of a man with an asymptomatic swelling in the right retromolar area over a period of 2 months. Cone beam computed tomography was performed to determine the extension and involvement of the adjacent structures. Histopathological findings and immunohistochemical analysis aided in the diagnosis of primary extracranial meningioma in the mandible and several aspects of this unusual neoplasm are reviewed. The treatment of choice was a partial resection of the mandible and reconstruction with autogenous iliac tricortical bone. Five years after surgery, the patient remains free of disease.
Recently, we have published an overview of systematic reviews in allergy epidemiology and identified asthma as the most commonly reviewed allergic disease. Building on this work, we aimed to investigate the qu...
Due to their ability to differentiate into various cell types and to support tissue regeneration, stem cells simultaneously became the holy grail of regenerative medicine and the evil obstacle in cancer therapy. Several studies have investigated niche-related conditions that favor stemness properties and increasingly emphasized their association with an inflammatory environment. Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) are major orchestrators of cancer-related inflammation, able to dynamically express different polarized inflammatory programs that promote tumor outgrowth, including tumor angiogenesis, immunosuppression, tissue remodeling and metastasis formation. In addition, these myeloid populations support cancer cell stemness, favoring tumor maintenance and progression, as well as resistance to anticancer treatments. Here, we discuss inflammatory circuits and molecules expressed by TAMs and MDSCs as guiding forces of cancer cell stemness.
Adoptive T cell transfer (ACT) with ex vivo-expanded tumor-reactive T cells proved to be successful for the treatment of metastatic melanoma patients. Mixed lymphocyte tumor cell cultures (MLTC) can be used to generate tumor-specific T cells for ACT; however, in a number of cases tumor-reactive T cell, expansion is far from optimal. We hypothesized that this is due to tumor intrinsic and extrinsic factors and aimed to identify and manipulate these factors so to optimize our clinical, GMP-compliant MLTC protocol. We found that the tumor cell produced IDO and/or galectin-3, and the accumulation of CD4+CD25hiFoxP3+ T cells suppressed the expansion of tumor-specific T cells in the MLTC. Strategies to eliminate CD4+CD25hiFoxP3+ T cells during culture required the depletion of the whole CD4+ T cell population and were found to be undesirable. Blocking of IDO and galectin-3 was feasible and resulted in improved efficiency of the MLTC. Implementation of these findings in clinical protocols for ex vivo expansion of tumor-reactive T cells holds promise for an increased therapeutic potential of adoptive cell transfer treatments with tumor-specific T cells.
Publication date: Available online 10 April 2017
Source:British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Author(s): V. Ramieri, V. Vellone, S. Crimi, P. Cascone
In 2008, we presented our security "high-tech" individual extra-light device mask (SHIELD), a protective shield based on the face cast of an injured soccer player that can be customised. It allows a shortened convalescent period, is comfortable, fits well, and allows the patient to continue to play at a professional level in their chosen sport or activity in the shortest time possible. It has been used often in both amateur and professional categories of many sports, and we now present an update.
The surgical excision of anatomic obstructions such as adenoids, palatine or lingual tonsils are commonly performed in children with sleep disordered breathing (SDB). Imaging studies measuring airway changes post-surgery in the SDB pediatric population are scarce, rarely addresses the nasal cavity, and are based on global measures (e.g. volume) that do not represent the complexity of the upper airway anatomy. The purpose of this pilot is to test the feasibility in using cone beam CT (CBCT) to analyze the nasal and pharyngeal airway space post-surgery using meaningful methods of analyses, and correlating imaging findings with clinical outcomes in children with SDB symptoms and maxillary-mandibular disproportion.
Twelve non-syndromic children with SDB symptoms and jaw disproportions were evaluated by interdisciplinary airway team before and after upper airway surgery. CBCT and OSA-18 quality of life questionnaire pre and post-operatively were completed. Conventional and new airway variables were measured based on 3D models of the upper airways and correlated with OSA-18. Conventional measures include volume, surface area, and cross-sectional area. New airway measures include constriction and patency; point-based analyses.
Eight females and four males were 8.8 ± 2 years with mean BMI of 18.7 ± 3. OSA-18 improved, median (lower quartile-upper quartile) from 64.2 (54.7–79.5) to 37.6 (28.7–43) postoperatively, p < 0.001. The median of all airway measures improved however with very wide range. Subjects with the smallest amounts of constriction relief and/or gain in airway patency presented with least improvement in OSA-18. New airway measures show strong correlation with changes in OSA-18 (ρ = 0.44 to 0.71) whereas conventional measures showed very weak correlation (ρ = −0.04 to 0.37).
Using point-based analyses, new airway measures better explained changes in clinical symptoms compared to conventional measures. Airway patency gained by at least 150% and constriction relief by at least 15% showed marked improvement in OSA-18 by 40–55%, after surgery in the tested cohort.
Periostin has been suggested as a novel, phenotype-specific biomarker for asthma driven by type-2 inflammation. However, large studies examining relationships between circulating periostin and patient characteristics are lacking and the suitability of periostin as a biomarker in asthma remains unclear.
To examine circulating periostin in healthy controls and subjects with asthma from the general population with different severity and treatment profiles, both with and without chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), in relation to other biomarkers and clinical characteristics.
Serum periostin was examined by ELISA in 1091 subjects aged 17-76 from the Swedish GA(2)LEN study, which included 460 asthmatics with/without chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), 97 individuals with CRS only, and 203 healthy controls. Clinical tests included measurement of lung function, FeNO, IgE, urinary eosinophil derived neurotoxin (U-EDN) and serum eosinophil cationic protein (S-ECP), as well as completion of questionnaires regarding respiratory symptoms, medication and quality of life.
Although median periostin values showed no differences when comparing disease groups with healthy controls, multiple regression analyses revealed that periostin was positively associated with higher FeNO, U-EDN and total IgE. In patients with asthma, an inverse relationship with lung function was also observed. Current smoking was associated with decreased periostin levels, whereas increased age and lower BMI related to higher periostin levels in subjects both with and without asthma.
We confirm associations between periostin and markers of type-2 inflammation, as well as lung function, and identify novel constitutional factors of importance to the use of periostin as a phenotype-specific biomarker in asthma.
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Meningiomas are benign extraaxial tumors of the central nervous system (CNS). Extracranial meningiomas are extremely rare (2%) and can develop as a direct extension from a primary intracranial meningioma or as true primary extracranial meningioma originating from ectopic arachnoid cells. Only eight cases of primary meningioma in the jaw have been reported to date. Extracranial meningiomas are frequently misdiagnosed, resulting in inappropriate clinical management. The aim of this article was to describe the case of a man with an asymptomatic swelling in the right retromolar area over a period of 2 months. Cone beam computed tomography was performed to determine the extension and involvement of the adjacent structures. Histopathological findings and immunohistochemical analysis aided in the diagnosis of primary extracranial meningioma in the mandible and several aspects of this unusual neoplasm are reviewed. The treatment of choice was a partial resection of the mandible and reconstruction with autogenous iliac tricortical bone. Five years after surgery, the patient remains free of disease.
Statins and hypothyroidism, independently, can rarely cause rhabdomyolysis. The combination of them especially with concurrent intake of drugs such as diltiazem increases the risk of rhabdomyolysis. Hashimoto's encephalopathy is a rare condition associated with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and some patients with that can present with a stroke like picture. An elderly male who has been on atorvastatin for three years and on diltiazem for a week presented with sudden onset inability to walk and confusion. On examination muscle tenderness was noticed and creatine kinase levels indicated rhabdomyolysis which we attributed to atorvastatin. Patient developed a seizure and myoclonus of masseters. Considering this, his confusion and his neutrophilia and high C-reactive protein levels, empirical antibiotics with dexamethasone were started and the patient responded to that. His cerebrospinal fluid and blood culture reports that arrived later did not show sepsis. After going home also his CK (creatine kinase) levels remained high; TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) level test was done and hypothyroidism was diagnosed. His antithyroid peroxidase antibody levels were also very high. We retrospectively think he had Hashimoto's encephalopathy as well. His lipid profile and TSH and CK values returned to normal in that order after a few months of levothyroxine therapy.
The primary purpose of this study was to examine whether angiosarcoma outcomes differ for the scalp and face.
We conducted a retrospective outcomes analysis of 50 patients with cutaneous angiosarcoma treated by curative intent identified from the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Registry (from 1958 to 2014).
Median survival was 26 months (95% confidence interval [CI], 17.6–34.6) and median follow-up 29 months. For the scalp and face, respectively, the 5-year locoregional control rate was 9% and 53% (p = .04); the recurrence-free survival (RFS) rate was 5% and 27% (p = .017); and the overall survival (OS) rate was 9% and 26% (p = .017). Scalp lesions were larger, more likely to be multifocal, and presented more rapidly once noticed. In multivariate Cox proportional hazards analysis, scalp location was independently prognostic for mortality (hazard ratio [HR], 2.10; 95% CI, 1.03–4.28; p = .04).
Scalp angiosarcoma has worse survival than angiosarcoma of the face. Scalp angiosarcoma tends to be larger at presentation, which may be because it is not noticed until more advanced. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck, 2017
Perforation of a marginal ulcer (MU) is a complication of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass that can be life-threatening. We report a case of a perforated MU that presented 7 months after surgery with several interesting points for discussion. Firstly, the presentation of the ulcer was cryptic with unreliable investigations. Secondly, the ulcer presented again even after anastomotic revision surgery. Finally, the ulcer and the sepsis associated with perforation presented after months of poor nutritional intake with profound hypoalbuminaemia. Perforated MUs causing malnutrition pose clinicians with the difficult decision of which operation to offer; patch repair, revision of the anastomosis or reversal surgery. This case illustrates that primary reversal surgery for a perforated recurrent MU may be the most appropriate surgical management in this clinical situation.
A 54-year-old man presented with two episodes of dysarthria and left facial droop. Both episodes resolved by the time of examination. MRI of the brain revealed a right frontotemporal, heterogeneously enhancing mass with surrounding vasogenic oedema, suggestive of a high-grade primary brain neoplasm. The patient was administered preoperative 5-aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride (Gliolan), and fluorescence-guided resection of the lesion was undertaken. Cryptococcus gattii infection was diagnosed from the specimen and the patient was given appropriate antifungal treatment. This is the first reported case of Gliolan-mediated fluorescence in a fungal abscess and highlights one of the potential pitfalls in fluorescence-guided surgery.
A 45-year-old woman with a history of total hysterectomy with adnexal preservation for uterine leiomyomas presented to our hospital with a right gluteal palpable mass, which she first noticed 6 months before and had progressively enlarged since then.
Radiological studies revealed a 14 cm lesion with translevator growth that displaced rather than invaded adjacent structures, with a peculiar whorled pattern on T2-weighted MRI, which enhanced following gadolinium administration. CT-guided biopsy was performed, and in conjunction with imaging features the diagnosis of an aggressive angiomyxoma was assumed and confirmed following surgical excision.
Urethral fistulas arising from the anterior urethra usually open on the ventral aspect and are located in the penile, scrotal or perineal region. A diabetic 65-year-old man presented with suprapubic urinary fistula that was communicating with a dorsally located internal urethral opening located in the bulbar region. Such unusual fistula has not been described before.
DESCRIPTIONCase description
Case 1: A 10-year-old female presented with a 2-week history of a small reddish mass on her right upper eyelid. Her past history was otherwise uneventful. Ocular examination and visual acuity were both normal. The right upper eyelid showed a small reddish mass measuring about 2x2 mm approximately 1 mm from the eyelashes and at the junction of the medial two thirds and lateral one third of the eyelid (figure 1, top panel). The patient was kept under observation as the mass was small, but it rapidly increased in size over the next 2 weeks (figure 1, middle panel). Complete surgical excision was performed after the stalk was clamped and the bleeding blood vessel at the base was cauterised, followed by closure of the skin with 6–0 silk. A cosmetically acceptable result was achieved after 2 weeks (figure 1, bottom panel).
Figure 1
(Top panel) Small reddish mass on...
A woman in her 60s with a history of cutaneous melanoma status post wide local excision and negative sentinel lymph node biopsy more than one decade before presented with 3 weeks of worsening memory, word finding difficulty and changes in handwriting. Her family reported peculiar behaviour such as writing letters on top of (instead of next to) one another and using a hairbrush upside down. The patient also complained of new right leg pain, paraesthesias and a mild frontal headache. Dermatological exam was notable for a 2x2 cm smooth, round nodule on the right parietal scalp, which had been present for a few months and was notable for complete loss of the overlying hair (figure 1). MRI of the brain showed greater than 10 diffusely enhancing lesions suspicious for metastatic disease, with a dominant left parietal haemorrhagic lesion measuring approximately 2.8x2.9x2.2 cm (figure 2). Associated...
Cutaneous leiomyomasare rare tumours of smooth muscle origin associated with disorders such as hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer (HLRCC) syndrome. HLRCC is an autosomal dominant syndrome caused by loss of function mutations in the fumarate hydratase gene. Sufferers of this disorder are predisposed to the development of tumours of the skin and/or uterus, with a further subset of HLRCC families at risk of renal cell carcinoma with papillary features. This syndrome is rare and carries with it a significant rate of mortality. A multidisciplinary approach to care is critical in the management of these patients and their families. The dermatologist can play a central role in this process, coordinating care between specialist medical and allied health teams.
The extent of surgery and the decision for adjuvant treatment in patients with endometrial cancer (EC) depend on the presence of risk factors for lymph node metastases and disease recurrence. Postoperative markers such as myometrial infiltration and specific mutations can select patients for adjuvant treatment but will not influence surgical planning. A biomarker stratifying patients into low-risk and high-risk groups before surgery could identify patients who benefit from more extensive surgery. Therefore, we evaluated the correlation of serum biomarker HE4 with clinical and recently identified prognostic pathological variables and survival. Patients treated for endometrial cancer between 1994 and 2014 were included. Serum HE4 concentration was measured in preoperatively obtained samples. A total of 88 patients were eligible for analysis. The majority (64%) was diagnosed with endometrioid-type adenocarcinoma. Serum HE4 concentration is significantly associated with stage of disease (p = 0.001), deep myometrial invasion (p < 0.001), exact depth of myometrial invasion (≥4 mm) (p = 0.01), tumour-free distance to serosa (≤7 mm) (p < 0.001), extensive lymph vascular space invasion (p = 0.04) and cervical involvement (p = 0.001). HE4 concentration and nodal involvement were correlated, although not significant (p = 0.17). Serum HE4 is an independent prognostic factor for recurrence-free survival (HR 5.12 per 10-fold increase in HE4, 95% CI 1.54–17.1) and overall survival (HR 7.48 per 10-fold increase in HE4, 95% CI 1.76–31.7). HE4 is a prognostic marker in endometrial cancer and is helpful in addition to other variables for the preoperative risk stratification of patients with endometrial cancer.
Publication date: Available online 10 April 2017
Source:International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Author(s): K. Bonanthaya, P.N. Shetty, P.S. Fudalej, D.D. Rao, S. Bitra, M. Pabari, M. Rachwalski
As there is currently no internationally accepted outcome measurement tool available for complete bilateral cleft lip and palate (CBCLP), the goal of this prospective study was to develop a numerical evaluation scale that allows reliable scoring of this cleft deformity. Our cohort comprised 121 Indian subjects with CBCLP who underwent surgical repair (mean age at time of surgery 6.53 months) using a modified Millard technique. A panel of three professionals evaluated each subject's outcome of bilateral cleft lip repair 6 months postoperatively on two-dimensional (2D) full-face photographs in the frontal view and worm's eye view. A simple two-point rating system was applied to separately analyse a total of 12 components of lip, nose, and scar. The results and mean scores for the analysed anatomical areas were 2.2±1.01 (max=3) for nose, 5.4±1.54 (max=8) for lip, and 1.9±1.3 (max=3) for scar, with a total score 7.7±2.21 (max=12) indicating a good surgical outcome. The inter-examiner ICC for nose, lip, scar, and total score was calculated at 0.836, 0.889, 0.723, and 0.927 respectively and indicated a strong level of repeatability and reliability that was highly significant (P<0.001). In conclusion, we were able to develop and test a scoring system for measuring outcomes in CBCLP that warrants simplicity of use, reliability and reproducibility.
Publication date: Available online 10 April 2017
Source:International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Author(s): M. Cassetta, F. Altieri
The brass wire ligature is an efficient method to correct a moderately mesially impacted mandibular second molar (MM2). The aim of this prospective clinical pilot study was to evaluate the influence of mandibular third molar (MM3) germectomy on the treatment time for this procedure and to determine its impact on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) using the short-form Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14). The STROBE guidelines were followed. Impacted MM2 were assigned randomly to receive brass wire ligature treatment either with germectomy (group A) or without germectomy (group B). Descriptive statistics and the Student t-test were used in the statistical analysis; significance was set at P≤0.05. One thousand and thirty patients were assessed. Fourteen subjects with 20 mesially angulated (range 25–40°) impacted MM2 were identified. Paired comparisons of groups A and B showed no statistically significant difference in treatment time (171days for group A and 174days for group B; P=0.440), but a statistically significant difference in OHIP-14 values at the 3- (P=0.017) and 7-day (P=0.002) follow-up. The brass wire technique can be used effectively in moderately impacted MM2, but the combined use of MM3 germectomy does not influence the treatment time and shows a negative impact on OHRQoL.
High-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell rescue is commonly used for the treatment of relapsed germ cell tumors. We report the first case of delayed rhabdomyolysis with paclitaxel, ifosfamide, carbopla...
The surgical excision of anatomic obstructions such as adenoids, palatine or lingual tonsils are commonly performed in children with sleep disordered breathing (SDB). Imaging studies measuring airway changes p...
Concurrent sensitization to peanut (PN) and tree nuts (TN), the most dangerous food allergies, is common. Current oral immunotherapy (OIT) is not fully satisfactory.
To determine if the herbal formula B-FAHF-2 (BF2) ameliorates PN/TN OIT adverse reactions and enhances persistence of a tolerant state.
Concurrently sensitized peanut, walnut (WN) and cashew (CSH) allergic mice received 1 day PN/WN/CSH rush OIT plus 3 weeks of maintenance dosing, with or without 3-weeks prior and 3-weeks BF2 co-treatment. Anaphylactic symptom scores, core body temperatures, plasma histamine levels, basophil numbers, antigen-specific IgE, cytokine levels, and IL-4, INF-γ and Foxp3 gene promoter DNA methylation status, and their correlation with final challenge symptom scores were determined.
BF2+OIT treated mice experienced significantly fewer and less severe adverse reactions than OIT only treated mice (p<0.01) during the one-day rush OIT buildup dose phase. Both OIT only and BF2+OIT mice showed significant desensitization (p<0.01 and 0.001 respectively) at one-week post therapy challenge; being greater in BF2+OIT mice. All sham treated and 91% of OIT treated mice experienced anaphylaxis whereas only 21% of BF2+OIT treated mice exhibited reactions during 5-6 weeks of dose escalation single PN and TN challenges. Greater and more persistent protection in BF2+OIT mice was associated with significantly lower plasma histamine and IgE levels, increased IFN- γ/IL-4 and IL-10/IL-4 ratios, DNA re-methylation at the IL-4 promoter and de-methylation at IFN-γ and Foxp3 promoters. Final challenge symptom scores were inversely correlated with IL-4 DNA methylation levels (p<0.0002), and positively correlated with IFN-γ and Foxp3 gene promoter methylation levels (p<0.0011) (p<0.0165).
Combined BF2/OIT therapy was safer and produced longer post treatment protection, and more tolerance-prone immunological and epigenetic modifications than OIT alone. BF2/OIT may provide an additional OIT option for patients with concurrent peanut/ tree nut and other food allergies.
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Leiomyoma is a rare tumor of smooth muscle origin with a very low incidence in the maxillofacial region. Intraosseous occurrence of oral leiomyoma is even rare with involvement of mandible followed by maxilla.
The purpose of this paper is to present a case of intraosseous leiomyoma of the left mandibular angle region with the review of literature describing this rare entity. The paper also highlights the need to include this entity in differential diagnoses of jaw lesions.
An extensive search of literature was carried out on the Medline-Pubmed and Google Scholar database using the keywords leiomyoma, maxilla, mandible, oral and palate to thoroughly search and collect all the reported cases of intraosseous leiomyoma.
To the best of our knowledge till date only 22 cases of intraosseous leiomyoma have been reported in the maxillomandibular region we represent the 23rd case of the intraosseous leiomyoma in a 36 year old male patient.
Though uncommon but it is known to occur in the jaws therefore intraosseous leiomyoma should be included in the list of differential diagnoses of radiolucent lesion of mandible and maxilla.
Fracture of the talus is uncommon in childhood. We report a case of talar neck fracture that occurred in a 4-year-old girl. We present the radiological findings, the orthopaedic follow-up and the clinical outcome.
Fatty acids and lipid mediator signaling play an important role in the pathogenesis of asthma, yet this area remains largely under-explored. The aims of this study were (i) to examine fatty acid levels and their metabolism in obese and non-obese asthma patients and (ii) to determine the functional effects of altered fatty acid metabolism in experimental models.
Medium- and long-chain fatty acid levels were quantified in serum from 161 human volunteers by LC/MS. Changes in stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase (SCD) expression and activity was evaluated in the ovalbumin (OVA) and house dust mite (HDM) murine models. Primary human bronchial epithelial cells from asthma patients and controls were evaluated for SCD expression and activity.
The serum desaturation index (an indirect measure of SCD) was significantly reduced in non-obese asthma patients and in the OVA murine model. SCD1 gene expression was significantly reduced within the lungs following OVA or HDM challenge. Inhibition of SCD in mice promoted airway hyperresponsiveness. SCD1 expression was suppressed in bronchial epithelial cells from asthma patients. IL-4 and IL-13 reduced epithelial cell SCD1 expression. Inhibition of SCD reduced surfactant protein C expression and suppressed rhinovirus-induced IP-10 secretion, which was associated with increased viral titers.
This is the first study to demonstrate decreased fatty acid desaturase activity in humans with asthma. Experimental models in mice and human epithelial cells suggest that inhibition of desaturase activity leads to airway hyperresponsiveness and reduced anti-viral defense. SCD may represent a new target for therapeutic intervention in asthma patients.
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