Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Αναπαύσεως 5
Άγιος Νικόλαος Κρήτη 72100

Πέμπτη 17 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Comparison of nerve combing and percutaneous radiofrequency thermocoagulation in the treatment for idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia (ITN) is a common pain disease in elderly people. Many methods have been used to alleviate the pain of patients, but few studies in the literature have compared the effect of nerve combing and percutaneous radiofrequency thermocoagulation. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to describe and evaluate the clinical outcome of idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia after nerve combing (NC) and compare them with those obtained using percutaneous radiofrequency thermocoagulation (RF). METHODS: The study included 105 idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia patients with similar symptom, age and underlying disease, which were divided into two groups. One group was treated by nerve combing (50 patients), the other by RF (55 cases). All patients were considered medical failures prior to the surgeries. A questionnaire was used to assess the long-term outcomes: pain relief, recurrence, complication and need for additional treatment. RESULTS: The median duration of follow-up in both groups was 90 months. Satisfactory relief was noted in 41 patients (82%), 5 patients (10%) initially experienced pain relief, then recurred, and four patients (8%) were designated poor among the group NC. In the group RF, satisfactory relief was noted in 42 patients (76.4%). There were eight "pain free with recurrence patients (14.5%) and 5 poor cases (9.1%). No statistically significant differences existed in the outcomes between both groups (p > 0.05). Postoperative morbidity included dysesthesia, diplopia, partial facial nerve palsy, hearing loss, tinnitus, cerebrospinal fluid leak, meningitis and mortality. CONCLUSION: Nerve combing and RF are both satisfactory treatment strategies for patients with ITN. Because of the higher risk of sensory morbidity and surgical risk as open surgery, RF is preferred as the recommended procedure for patients with ITN.

Resumo Introdução: A neuralgia idiopática do trigêmeo (NIT) é uma condição dolorosa comum em idosos. Muitos métodos têm sido usados para aliviar a dor dos pacientes, mas poucos estudos na literatura compararam o efeito de neurólise interna e termocoagulação percutânea por radiofrequência. Objetivo: O objetivo desse estudo foi descrever e avaliar o desfecho clínico de pacientes com neuralgia idiopática do trigêmeo após neurólise interna (NI) e compará-los com os obtidos usando termocoagulação percutânea por radiofrequência (RF). Método: O estudo incluiu 105 pacientes com NIT com sintomas, idade e doenças de base semelhantes, que foram divididos em dois grupos. Um grupo foi tratado por neurólise interna (50 pacientes) e o outro por RF (55 casos). Todos os pacientes haviam sido considerados fracassos terapêuticos antes das cirurgias. Um questionário foi utilizado para avaliar os resultados a longo prazo: alívio da dor, recorrência, complicações e necessidade de tratamento adicional. Resultados: A duração média do acompanhamento foi de 90 meses em ambos os grupos. Alívio satisfatório foi observado em 41 pacientes (82%); cinco pacientes (10%) experimentaram alívio inicial da dor, porém seguido de recrudescimento, e quatro pacientes (8%) apresentaram desfecho desfavorável no grupo NI. No grupo de RF, alívio satisfatório foi observado em 42 pacientes (76,4%). Houve oito pacientes livres de dor, com recorrência ''LDR'' (14,5%) e cinco casos com desfecho desfavorável (9,1%). Não houve diferenças significantes nos resultados entre os dois grupos (p > 0,05). Morbidade pós-operatória incluiu disestesia, diplopia, paralisia parcial do nervo facial, perda auditiva, tinnitus, fístula liquórica, meningite e óbito. Conclusão: Neurólise interna e RF são estratégias satisfatórias de tratamento para os pacientes com NIT. Em decorrência da maior morbidade sensorial e maior risco cirúrgico em uma cirurgia aberta, a RF é o procedimento mais indicado para pacientes com NIT.


Mometasone furoate in the treatment of mild, moderate, or severe persistent allergic rhinitis: a non-inferiority study (PUMA)

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Allergic rhinitis is considered the most prevalent respiratory disease in Brazil and worldwide, with great impact on quality of life, affecting social life, sleep, and also performance at school and at work. OBJECTIVE: To compare the efficacy and safety of two formulations containing mometasone furoate in the treatment of mild, moderate, or severe persistent allergic rhinitis after four weeks of treatment. METHODS: Phase III, randomized, non-inferiority, national, open study comparing mometasone furoate in two presentations (control drug and investigational drug). The primary endpoint was the percentage of patients with reduction of at least 0.55 in nasal index score (NIS) after four weeks of treatment. Secondary outcomes included total nasal index score score after four and 12 weeks of treatment; individual scores for symptoms of nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea, sneezing, and nasal pruritus; as well as score for pruritus, lacrimation, and ocular redness after four and 12 weeks of treatment. The study was registered at clinicaltrials.gov with the reference number NCT01372865. RESULTS: The efficacy primary analysis demonstrated non-inferiority of the investigational drug in relation to the control drug, since the upper limit of the confidence interval (CI) of 95% for the difference between the success rates after four weeks of treatment (12.6%) was below the non-inferiority margin provided during the determination of the sample size (13.7%). Adverse events were infrequent and with mild intensity in most cases. CONCLUSION: The efficacy and safety of investigational drug in the treatment of persistent allergic rhinitis were similar to the reference product, demonstrating its non-inferiority.

Resumo Introdução: A rinite alérgica é considerada a doença respiratória mais prevalente no Brasil e em todo o mundo, com grande impacto na qualidade de vida; além de, afetar a vida social, o sono e também o desempenho na escola e no trabalho. Objetivo: Comparar a eficácia e segurança de duas formulações contendo furoato de mometasona no tratamento da rinite alérgica persistente leve, moderada ou grave por um período de quatro semanas. Método: Trata-se de um estudo nacional aberto de fase III, randomizado, de não inferioridade de comparação do furoato de mometasona em duas apresentações (medicação de controle e fármaco sob investigação). O ponto final primário foi o percentual de pacientes com redução mínima de 0,55 no escore de índice nasal (EIN) após quatro semanas de tratamento. Os desfechos secundários foram: escore NIS total após 4 e 12 semanas de tratamento; escores individuais para sintomas de obstrução nasal, rinorréia, espirros e prurido nasal, bem como escores para prurido, lacrimejamento e hiperemia conjuntival após 4 e 12 semanas de tratamento. O estudo foi registrado em clinicaltrials.gov com o número de referência NCT01372865. Resultados: A análise de eficácia primária demonstrou não inferioridade do fármaco sob investigação em relação à medicação de controle, visto que o limite superior do intervalo de confiança (IC) de 95% para a diferença entre os percentuais de sucesso após quatro semanas de tratamento (12,6%) situava-se abaixo da margem de não inferioridade proporcionada durante a determinação do tamanho da amostra (13,7%). Eventos adversos foram pouco frequentes e de leve intensidade na maioria dos casos. Conclusão: A eficácia e a segurança de um fármaco experimental no tratamento da rinite alérgica persistente foram similares às do produto de referência, o que demonstrou sua não inferioridade.


Adult tonsillectomy: postoperative pain depends on indications

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Intense pain is one of the most important postoperative complaints after tonsillectomy. It is often described by patients as comparable to the pain that accompanies an acute tonsillitis. Although recurrent tonsillitis is the most frequent indication for surgery, many tonsillectomies are performed due to other indications and these patients may be unfamiliar with such pain. OBJECTIVE: To verify whether individuals with recurrent tonsillitis experience different post-tonsillectomy pain intensity than those with other indications for surgery, with no history of episodes of acute tonsillitis. METHODS: A total of 61 tonsillectomies were performed under general anesthesia, using a potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) laser (to eliminate the potential influence on the study results of forceful dissection of fibrotic tonsils in patients with history of recurrent tonsillitis) and multiple ligations of blood vessels within the tonsillar beds. The patients received 37.5 mg Tramadoli hydrochloridum + 325 mg Paracetamol tablets for 10 days. Postoperative variables included the duration of hospital stay, postoperative hemorrhage and readmission rate. The patients reported pain intensity on consecutive days, pain duration, weight loss on postoperative day 10, character, intensity and duration of swallowing difficulties, and the need for additional doses of painkillers. Healing was also assessed. Capsular nerve fibers were histologically examined in the resected tonsils by immunostainings for general and sensory markers. RESULTS: Indications for the surgery were: recurrent acute tonsillitis (34 patients), no history of recurrent tonsillitis: focus tonsil (20) and intense malodour (7). Pain intensity on postoperative days 3-4 and incidence of readmissions due to dehydration were significantly higher in the group with no history of recurrent tonsillitis. No significant differences in relative densities of protein gene product (PGP) 9.5- and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-immunoreactive nerve fibers were observed. CONCLUSION: Patients with recurrent tonsillitis qualified for tonsillectomy reported lower pain intensity than those without recurrent tonsillitis and the pain scores were unrelated to nerve fibers density.

Resumo Introdução: Dor intensa é uma das queixas mais importantes no pós-operatório de uma tonsilectomia. Com frequência, essa dor é descrita pelos pacientes, como comparável à dor que acompanha a tonsilite aguda. Apesar da tonsilite recorrente ser a indicação mais frequente para cirurgia, muitas tonsilectomias são realizadas por outras indicações, e esses pacientes podem não estar familiarizados com essa dor. Objetivo: Verificar se indivíduos com tonsilite recorrente apresentam diferenças na intensidade dolorosa pós-tonsilectomia vs. pacientes com outras indicações para cirurgia, sem histórico de episódios de tonsilite aguda. Método: Foram realizadas 61 tonsilectomias sob anestesia geral, com o uso de um laser potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) (para que fosse eliminada uma possível influência de uma dissecção agressiva das tonsilas fibrosadas em pacientes com história de tonsilite recorrente), e hemostasia através de ligaduras de vasos sanguíneos nos leitos tonsilares. Os pacientes foram medicados com 37,5 mg de cloridrato de tramadol + 325 mg de paracetamol (comprimidos) durante 10 dias. As variáveis pós-operatórias foram tempo de internação hospitalar, hemorragia e percentual de readmissão. Os pacientes forneceram informações sobre a intensidade da dor em dias consecutivos, duração da dor, perda de peso corpóreo no dia 10 do pós-operatório, intensidade e duração da dificuldade de deglutição, e necessidade de doses adicionais de analgésicos. A velocidade de cicatrização também foi avaliada. Fibras nervosas capsulares foram examinadas histologicamente nas tonsilas resecadas com o uso de imunocorantes para marcadores de fibras nervosas gerais e de sensibilidade. Resultados: As indicações para a cirurgia foram: tonsilite aguda recorrente (34 pacientes), ausência de história de tonsilite recorrente - Tonsilite focal (20) e halitose (7). A intensidade da dor nos dias 3-4 do pós-operatório e a incidência de reinternações em decorrência de desidratação foram significativamente mais altas no grupo sem história de tonsilite recorrente. Não foram observadas diferenças significantes nas densidades relativas de fibras nervosas imunorreativas para protein gene product (PGP) 9.5 e calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). Conclusão: Os pacientes com tonsilite recorrente e qualificados para tonsilectomia informaram menor intensidade da dor em relação aos pacientes sem histórico se tonsilite recorrente, e os escores para dor não apresentaram relação com a densidade das fibras nervosas.


Clinical evaluation for chin augmentation: literature review and algorithm proposal

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: The esthetic balance of the face results from harmonic and symmetrical facial proportions. The literature describes several methods for lower-third facial analysis, but lacks a simple and practical method. OBJECTIVE: To review the methods of analysis of the ideal projections of the chin based on soft tissues, showing the advantages and disadvantages of each. METHODS: Literature review through the PubMed database. RESULTS: The following methods for chin analysis based on soft tissues were reviewed: Gonzalles-Ulloa, Goode, Merrifield, Silver, Legan, Gibson & Calhoun, cervicomentual angle, and mentocervical angle. CONCLUSION: An adequate analysis of the proportions of the face and facial disharmony is essential for the correct indication of the necessary procedures and good surgical outcome. The authors propose an algorithm to facilitate the indication for chin augmentation surgery.

Resumo Introdução: O equilíbrio estético da face resulta de proporções faciais harmônicas e simétricas. A literatura descreve vários métodos de análise do terço inferior da face, mas carece de um método simples e prático. Objetivo: Revisar os métodos de análise da projeção ideal do mento baseadas em tecidos moles, mostrando as vantagens e desvantagens de cada um. Método: Revisão da literatura através da base de dados Pubmed. Resultados: Os seguintes métodos para análise do mento baseada em partes moles são revisados: Gonzalles-Ulloa, Goode, Merrifield, Silver, Legan, Gibson & Calhoun, ângulo cervicomentual e ângulo mentocervical. Conclusão: A análise adequada das proporções da face e desarmonia facial faz-se essencial para a correta indicação dos procedimentos necessários e bom resultado cirúrgico. Propomos um algoritmo para facilitar indicação de avanço de mento.


Feeding methods for children with cleft lip and/or palate: a systematic review

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Feeding difficulties in children with cleft lip and palate (CLP) are frequent and appear at birth due to impairment of sucking and swallowing functions. The use of appropriate feeding methods for the different types of cleft and the period of the child's life is of utmost importance for their full development. OBJECTIVE: Review studies comparing feeding methods for children with CLP, pre- and postoperatively. METHODS: The search covered the period between January 1990 and August 2015 in the PubMed, LILACS, SciELO, and Google Scholar databases using the terms: cleft lip or cleft palate and feeding methods or breastfeeding or swallowing disorders and their synonyms. This systematic review was recorded in PROSPERO under number CRD42014015011. Publications that compared feeding methods and published in Portuguese, English, and Spanish were included in the review. Studies with associated syndromes, orthopedic methods, or comparing surgical techniques were not included. RESULTS: The three reviewed studies on the period prior to surgical repair showed better feeding performance with three different methods: squeezable bottle, syringe, and paladai bottle. Only one study addressed the postoperative period of cleft lip and/or palate repair, with positive results for the feeding method with suction. Likewise, the post-lip repair studies showed better results with suction methods. After palatoplasty, two studies showed better performance with alternative feeding routes, one study with suction method, and one study that compared methods with no suction showed better results with spoon. CONCLUSION: The studies show that prior to surgical repair, the use of alternative methods can be beneficial. In the postoperative period following lip repair, methods with suction are more beneficial. However, in the postoperative period of palatoplasty, there are divergences of opinion regarding the most appropriate feeding methods.

Resumo Introdução: As dificuldades de alimentação em crianças com fissura labiopalatina (FLP) são frequentes e surgem logo ao nascimento, devido ao comprometimento das funções de sucção e deglutição. A utilização de métodos de alimentação adequados aos diferentes tipos de fissura e ao momento da vida da criança é primordial para seu pleno desenvolvimento. Objetivo: Revisar estudos que compararam métodos de alimentação para crianças com FLP antes da correção cirúrgica e no pós-operatório. Método: A busca compreendeu o período entre janeiro de 1990 e agosto de 2015, nas bases de dados PubMed, LILACS, Scielo e Google Acadêmicos e utilizando os termos: Fenda Labial ou Fissura Palatina e Métodos de Alimentação ou Aleitamento Materno ou Transtornos de deglutição e seus sinônimos. Esta revisão sistemática foi registrada no PROSPERO sob o número CRD42014015011. Foram incluídas publicações comparando métodos de alimentação nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol. Pesquisas com síndromes associadas, métodos ortopédicos ou comparando técnicas cirúrgicas não foram incluídas. Resultados: Os três estudos revisados sobre o período que antecede a correção cirúrgica apresentaram melhor desempenho na alimentação com três diferentes métodos: mamadeira compressível, seringa e paladai. Um único estudo abordou o pós-operatório de fissura de lábio e/ou palato, apresentando resultados positivos para a alimentação com método com sucção. Da mesma forma, no pós-queiloplastia os estudos mostraram melhores resultados com métodos com sucção. Após a palatoplastia, dois estudos apresentaram melhor desempenho com via alternativa de alimentação; um estudo com método com sucção; e outro que comparou métodos sem sucção apresentou melhores resultados com colher. Conclusão: Os estudos mostram que antes da correção cirúrgica a utilização de métodos alternativos pode apresentar benefícios. No pós-operatório de queiloplastia, os métodos com sucção são mais benéficos. Porém, no período pós-operatório de palatoplastia há divergências quanto aos métodos mais indicados.


Ameloblastic fibrodentinosarcoma: a rare malignant odontogenic tumor

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Feeding difficulties in children with cleft lip and palate (CLP) are frequent and appear at birth due to impairment of sucking and swallowing functions. The use of appropriate feeding methods for the different types of cleft and the period of the child's life is of utmost importance for their full development. OBJECTIVE: Review studies comparing feeding methods for children with CLP, pre- and postoperatively. METHODS: The search covered the period between January 1990 and August 2015 in the PubMed, LILACS, SciELO, and Google Scholar databases using the terms: cleft lip or cleft palate and feeding methods or breastfeeding or swallowing disorders and their synonyms. This systematic review was recorded in PROSPERO under number CRD42014015011. Publications that compared feeding methods and published in Portuguese, English, and Spanish were included in the review. Studies with associated syndromes, orthopedic methods, or comparing surgical techniques were not included. RESULTS: The three reviewed studies on the period prior to surgical repair showed better feeding performance with three different methods: squeezable bottle, syringe, and paladai bottle. Only one study addressed the postoperative period of cleft lip and/or palate repair, with positive results for the feeding method with suction. Likewise, the post-lip repair studies showed better results with suction methods. After palatoplasty, two studies showed better performance with alternative feeding routes, one study with suction method, and one study that compared methods with no suction showed better results with spoon. CONCLUSION: The studies show that prior to surgical repair, the use of alternative methods can be beneficial. In the postoperative period following lip repair, methods with suction are more beneficial. However, in the postoperative period of palatoplasty, there are divergences of opinion regarding the most appropriate feeding methods.

Resumo Introdução: As dificuldades de alimentação em crianças com fissura labiopalatina (FLP) são frequentes e surgem logo ao nascimento, devido ao comprometimento das funções de sucção e deglutição. A utilização de métodos de alimentação adequados aos diferentes tipos de fissura e ao momento da vida da criança é primordial para seu pleno desenvolvimento. Objetivo: Revisar estudos que compararam métodos de alimentação para crianças com FLP antes da correção cirúrgica e no pós-operatório. Método: A busca compreendeu o período entre janeiro de 1990 e agosto de 2015, nas bases de dados PubMed, LILACS, Scielo e Google Acadêmicos e utilizando os termos: Fenda Labial ou Fissura Palatina e Métodos de Alimentação ou Aleitamento Materno ou Transtornos de deglutição e seus sinônimos. Esta revisão sistemática foi registrada no PROSPERO sob o número CRD42014015011. Foram incluídas publicações comparando métodos de alimentação nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol. Pesquisas com síndromes associadas, métodos ortopédicos ou comparando técnicas cirúrgicas não foram incluídas. Resultados: Os três estudos revisados sobre o período que antecede a correção cirúrgica apresentaram melhor desempenho na alimentação com três diferentes métodos: mamadeira compressível, seringa e paladai. Um único estudo abordou o pós-operatório de fissura de lábio e/ou palato, apresentando resultados positivos para a alimentação com método com sucção. Da mesma forma, no pós-queiloplastia os estudos mostraram melhores resultados com métodos com sucção. Após a palatoplastia, dois estudos apresentaram melhor desempenho com via alternativa de alimentação; um estudo com método com sucção; e outro que comparou métodos sem sucção apresentou melhores resultados com colher. Conclusão: Os estudos mostram que antes da correção cirúrgica a utilização de métodos alternativos pode apresentar benefícios. No pós-operatório de queiloplastia, os métodos com sucção são mais benéficos. Porém, no período pós-operatório de palatoplastia há divergências quanto aos métodos mais indicados.


Orbital metastasis as the primary presentation of nasopharyngeal carcinoma

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Feeding difficulties in children with cleft lip and palate (CLP) are frequent and appear at birth due to impairment of sucking and swallowing functions. The use of appropriate feeding methods for the different types of cleft and the period of the child's life is of utmost importance for their full development. OBJECTIVE: Review studies comparing feeding methods for children with CLP, pre- and postoperatively. METHODS: The search covered the period between January 1990 and August 2015 in the PubMed, LILACS, SciELO, and Google Scholar databases using the terms: cleft lip or cleft palate and feeding methods or breastfeeding or swallowing disorders and their synonyms. This systematic review was recorded in PROSPERO under number CRD42014015011. Publications that compared feeding methods and published in Portuguese, English, and Spanish were included in the review. Studies with associated syndromes, orthopedic methods, or comparing surgical techniques were not included. RESULTS: The three reviewed studies on the period prior to surgical repair showed better feeding performance with three different methods: squeezable bottle, syringe, and paladai bottle. Only one study addressed the postoperative period of cleft lip and/or palate repair, with positive results for the feeding method with suction. Likewise, the post-lip repair studies showed better results with suction methods. After palatoplasty, two studies showed better performance with alternative feeding routes, one study with suction method, and one study that compared methods with no suction showed better results with spoon. CONCLUSION: The studies show that prior to surgical repair, the use of alternative methods can be beneficial. In the postoperative period following lip repair, methods with suction are more beneficial. However, in the postoperative period of palatoplasty, there are divergences of opinion regarding the most appropriate feeding methods.

Resumo Introdução: As dificuldades de alimentação em crianças com fissura labiopalatina (FLP) são frequentes e surgem logo ao nascimento, devido ao comprometimento das funções de sucção e deglutição. A utilização de métodos de alimentação adequados aos diferentes tipos de fissura e ao momento da vida da criança é primordial para seu pleno desenvolvimento. Objetivo: Revisar estudos que compararam métodos de alimentação para crianças com FLP antes da correção cirúrgica e no pós-operatório. Método: A busca compreendeu o período entre janeiro de 1990 e agosto de 2015, nas bases de dados PubMed, LILACS, Scielo e Google Acadêmicos e utilizando os termos: Fenda Labial ou Fissura Palatina e Métodos de Alimentação ou Aleitamento Materno ou Transtornos de deglutição e seus sinônimos. Esta revisão sistemática foi registrada no PROSPERO sob o número CRD42014015011. Foram incluídas publicações comparando métodos de alimentação nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol. Pesquisas com síndromes associadas, métodos ortopédicos ou comparando técnicas cirúrgicas não foram incluídas. Resultados: Os três estudos revisados sobre o período que antecede a correção cirúrgica apresentaram melhor desempenho na alimentação com três diferentes métodos: mamadeira compressível, seringa e paladai. Um único estudo abordou o pós-operatório de fissura de lábio e/ou palato, apresentando resultados positivos para a alimentação com método com sucção. Da mesma forma, no pós-queiloplastia os estudos mostraram melhores resultados com métodos com sucção. Após a palatoplastia, dois estudos apresentaram melhor desempenho com via alternativa de alimentação; um estudo com método com sucção; e outro que comparou métodos sem sucção apresentou melhores resultados com colher. Conclusão: Os estudos mostram que antes da correção cirúrgica a utilização de métodos alternativos pode apresentar benefícios. No pós-operatório de queiloplastia, os métodos com sucção são mais benéficos. Porém, no período pós-operatório de palatoplastia há divergências quanto aos métodos mais indicados.


Treatment of tympanic membrane perforation using bacterial cellulose: a randomized controlled trial ☆

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Feeding difficulties in children with cleft lip and palate (CLP) are frequent and appear at birth due to impairment of sucking and swallowing functions. The use of appropriate feeding methods for the different types of cleft and the period of the child's life is of utmost importance for their full development. OBJECTIVE: Review studies comparing feeding methods for children with CLP, pre- and postoperatively. METHODS: The search covered the period between January 1990 and August 2015 in the PubMed, LILACS, SciELO, and Google Scholar databases using the terms: cleft lip or cleft palate and feeding methods or breastfeeding or swallowing disorders and their synonyms. This systematic review was recorded in PROSPERO under number CRD42014015011. Publications that compared feeding methods and published in Portuguese, English, and Spanish were included in the review. Studies with associated syndromes, orthopedic methods, or comparing surgical techniques were not included. RESULTS: The three reviewed studies on the period prior to surgical repair showed better feeding performance with three different methods: squeezable bottle, syringe, and paladai bottle. Only one study addressed the postoperative period of cleft lip and/or palate repair, with positive results for the feeding method with suction. Likewise, the post-lip repair studies showed better results with suction methods. After palatoplasty, two studies showed better performance with alternative feeding routes, one study with suction method, and one study that compared methods with no suction showed better results with spoon. CONCLUSION: The studies show that prior to surgical repair, the use of alternative methods can be beneficial. In the postoperative period following lip repair, methods with suction are more beneficial. However, in the postoperative period of palatoplasty, there are divergences of opinion regarding the most appropriate feeding methods.

Resumo Introdução: As dificuldades de alimentação em crianças com fissura labiopalatina (FLP) são frequentes e surgem logo ao nascimento, devido ao comprometimento das funções de sucção e deglutição. A utilização de métodos de alimentação adequados aos diferentes tipos de fissura e ao momento da vida da criança é primordial para seu pleno desenvolvimento. Objetivo: Revisar estudos que compararam métodos de alimentação para crianças com FLP antes da correção cirúrgica e no pós-operatório. Método: A busca compreendeu o período entre janeiro de 1990 e agosto de 2015, nas bases de dados PubMed, LILACS, Scielo e Google Acadêmicos e utilizando os termos: Fenda Labial ou Fissura Palatina e Métodos de Alimentação ou Aleitamento Materno ou Transtornos de deglutição e seus sinônimos. Esta revisão sistemática foi registrada no PROSPERO sob o número CRD42014015011. Foram incluídas publicações comparando métodos de alimentação nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol. Pesquisas com síndromes associadas, métodos ortopédicos ou comparando técnicas cirúrgicas não foram incluídas. Resultados: Os três estudos revisados sobre o período que antecede a correção cirúrgica apresentaram melhor desempenho na alimentação com três diferentes métodos: mamadeira compressível, seringa e paladai. Um único estudo abordou o pós-operatório de fissura de lábio e/ou palato, apresentando resultados positivos para a alimentação com método com sucção. Da mesma forma, no pós-queiloplastia os estudos mostraram melhores resultados com métodos com sucção. Após a palatoplastia, dois estudos apresentaram melhor desempenho com via alternativa de alimentação; um estudo com método com sucção; e outro que comparou métodos sem sucção apresentou melhores resultados com colher. Conclusão: Os estudos mostram que antes da correção cirúrgica a utilização de métodos alternativos pode apresentar benefícios. No pós-operatório de queiloplastia, os métodos com sucção são mais benéficos. Porém, no período pós-operatório de palatoplastia há divergências quanto aos métodos mais indicados.


Collectins, H-ficolin and LL-37 reduce influence viral replication in human monocytes and modulate virus-induced cytokine production

Infiltrating activated monocytes are important mediators of damaging inflammation during influenza A virus (IAV) infection. We show that soluble respiratory proteins [collectins, surfactant proteins D (SP-D) and mannose binding lectin (MBL), H-ficolin and LL-37] inhibit replication of seasonal IAV in human monocytes. The collectins and H-ficolin also increased viral uptake by the cells, while LL-37 did not. H-ficolin was able to inhibit replication of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 strain (Cal09) in monocytes, but SP-D and LL-37 had significantly fewer inhibitory effects on this strain than on seasonal IAV. All of these proteins reduced IAV-induced TNF-α production, even in instances when viral replication was not reduced. We used modified recombinant versions of SP-D, MBL and ficolin to elucidate mechanisms through which these proteins alter monocyte interactions with IAV. We demonstrate the importance of the multimeric structure, and of binding properties of the lectin domain, in mediating antiviral and opsonic activity of the proteins. Hence, soluble inhibitors present in airway lining fluid may aid clearance of IAV by promoting monocyte uptake of the virus, while reducing viral replication and virus-induced TNF-α responses in these cells. However, SP-D and LL-37 have reduced ability to inhibit replication of pandemic IAV in monocytes.


POEM a core instrument to measure symptoms in clinical trials: a HOME statement



The Harmonising Outcome Measures for Eczema (HOME) initiative has defined four core outcome domains for a core outcome set (COS) to be measured in all atopic eczema (AE) trials to ensure cross-trial comparison: clinical signs, symptoms, quality of life and long-term control.


The aim of this paper is to report on the consensus process that was used to select the core instrument to consistently assess symptoms in all future AE trials.


Following the HOME roadmap, two systematic reviews were performed which identified three instruments that had sufficient evidence of validity, reliability, and feasibility to be considered for the final COS.


At the 4th international HOME meeting there was broad consensus among all stakeholders that the Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM) should be used as the core instrument (87.5% agreed, 9.4% unsure, 3.1% disagreed).


All relevant stakeholders are encouraged to use POEM as the chosen instrument to measure the core domain of symptoms in all future AE clinical trials. Other instruments of interest can be used in addition to POEM.

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


Interventional laser surgery for oral potentially malignant disorders: a longitudinal patient cohort study


Publication date: Available online 17 November 2016
Source:International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Author(s): P.J. Thomson, M.L. Goodson, K. Cocks, J.E. Turner
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is a lethal disease, with rising incidence. There were 6767 new OSCC cases and 2056 deaths in the UK in 2011. Cancers are preceded by oral potentially malignant disorders (PMDs), recognizable mucosal diseases harbouring increased SCC risk, offering clinicians a 'therapeutic window' to intervene. Contemporary practice remains unable to predict lesion behaviour or quantify malignant transformation risk. No clear management guidelines exist and it is unclear from the literature whether early diagnosis and intervention prevents cancer. Between 1996 and 2014, 773 laser treatments were performed on 590 PMD patients in Newcastle maxillofacial surgery departments. The efficacy of the intervention was examined by review of the clinicopathological details and clinical outcomes of the patients (mean follow-up 7.3 years). Histopathology required up-grading in 36.1% on examining excision specimens. Seventy-five percent of patients were disease-free, mostly younger patients with low-grade dysplasia; 9% exhibited persistent disease and were generally older with proliferative verrucous leukoplakia. Disease-free status was less likely for erythroleukoplakia (P=0.022), 'high-grade' dysplasia (P<0.0001), and with lichenoid inflammation (P=0.028). Unexpected OSCC was identified in 12.0%, whilst 4.8% transformed to malignancy. Interventional laser surgery facilitates definitive diagnosis and treatment, allows early diagnosis of OSCC, identifies progressive disease, and defines outcome categories. Evidence is lacking that intervention halts carcinogenesis. Multicentre, prospective, randomized controlled trials are needed to confirm the efficacy of surgery.


Dermoscopie d’un mélanome du sein chez la femme

Publication date: Available online 17 November 2016
Source:Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie
Author(s): A. Marchetti, L. Thomas, S. Dalle


Quantitative analysis of Argyrophilic Nucleolar organizer regions in odontogenic cysts and tumor – A comparative study

Publication date: Available online 17 November 2016
Source:Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research
Author(s): Bhavana Gupta, Shaleen Chandra, Vineet Raj, Vivek Gupta
BackgroundThe nucleolar organizer region (NOR) is by definition part of a chromosome, and nucleolus is a structure containing this chromosomal part and in addition the material which accumulate around the NOR, mostly rRNAs and their precursors as well as specific ribosomal proteins. Argyrophilic Nucleolar organizing region (AgNOR) are silver binding NORs often used to study cell proliferation in various types of tumors.AimQuantitative assessment of Argyrophilic Nucleolar organizing region count and its comparison among dentigerous cyst, keratocystic odontogenic tumor and ameloblastoma.Material and methodForty-five histologically confirmed cases, 15 cases each of keratocystic odontogenic tumor, dentigerous cysts and ameloblastomas were examined for Argyrophilic Nucleolar organizing region. The sections were obtained and Argyrophilic Nucleolar organizer regions staining was done for comparing the proliferative capacity among these lesions.ResultPost hoc analysis for inter-group comparison and one way ANOVA were done in all three groups in this study. P<0.001 was considered significant. The results of AgNOR counts were higher in KCOTs as compared to ameloblastoma and least in dentigerous cysts. The mean AgNOR counts between the study groups were compared using one way ANOVA test and the differences were found to be significant (P<0.001).ConclusionAgNOR counts were significantly higher in KCOT and ameloblastoma as compared to dentigerous cyst suggesting that these lesions have a higher proliferative capacity than dentigerous cyst. The finding of a significantly higher AgNOR counts in KCOT as compared to ameloblastoma represent a difference in proliferative activity and greater growth potential between these two lesions.


Black Nodule on the Forearm


Real-World Efficacy of 1064-nm Nd:YAG Laser for the Treatment of Onychomycosis


Onychomycosis is a cosmetic and, at times, medical concern; therefore, effective and safe alternatives to treatment are needed.


To determine the efficacy of a 1064-nm Nd:YAG laser for the treatment of onychomycosis in a real-world setting.


A single-centre retrospective chart review was conducted between 2012 and 2013. One hundred consecutive patients with a culture- and/or potassium hydroxide–confirmed diagnosis of onychomycosis were treated at least twice. Baseline and follow-up photographs were taken, and the change in degree of clinical nail involvement of the subject's great toenail was determined by a blinded reviewer using validated planimetry measurement.


A total of 199 hallux nails from 100 subjects were assessed. The mean infected area decreased from 53.2% at baseline to 50.8% at the end of the study (paired t test, P = .054; Wilcoxon signed rank test, P = .006). Degree of nail involvement was statistically significantly associated with amount of improvement; subjects who had the greatest degree of nail involvement improved the most, while those with less severe disease showed a worsening of nail appearance (Kruskal-Wallis test, P < .001). Three-quarters (72.6%) of nails that had more than 67% nail involvement showed statistically significant improvement (2 test, P = .001). Adverse events were limited to mild to moderate pain at the time of therapy. A total of 76 subjects were assessed for treatment satisfaction: 60% were very satisfied with treatment despite limited clinical improvement in some cases.


Laser therapy has a very limited positive clinical effect on the appearance of onychomycosis after 2 treatment sessions.


Effects of perforation size on the success rate of tympanoplasty using a cartilage graft

Publication date: Available online 17 November 2016
Source:Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology
Author(s): Zhufang Jiang, Zihan Lou


Bayesian analysis of high-resolution ultrasonography and guided fine needle aspiration cytology in diagnosis of palpable thyroid nodules

Publication date: Available online 17 November 2016
Source:Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology
Author(s): Niranjan Sahu, Rabindra Nath Padhy
IntroductionTo evaluate diagnostic accuracy of high-resolution ultrasonography in differentiation of benign and malignant thyroid nodules in comparison to results of guided fine needle aspiration cytology based on the Bayes rule.ObjectiveTo assess the validity of ultrasonography results of thyroid nodules in comparison to guided fine needle aspiration cytology findings.MethodsThis study was done on randomly chosen 80 patients presented with palpable thyroid nodules, undergone real-time sonographic evaluation of thyroid nodules to characterize features, internal consistency, margins, echotexture, calcification, peripheral lucent halo and vascularity. Ultrasonography guided fine needle aspiration cytology studies of thyroid nodules were done.ResultsPalpable thyroid nodules were highly prevalent in fourth and fifth decades of life with female–male ratio, 4:1. Solid internal consistency was demonstrated by 75% malignant nodules. Hypoechogenicity and intra-nodular micro-calcifications were observed in 92% malignant nodules; 83% malignant nodules had intra-nodular vascularity and absence of peripheral halo. The pre-test prevalence of malignant nodules in the targeted population was 17.5%. As type I error, 2.5% false-positive cases and as type II error, 5.0% false-negative cases were detected. Values of sensitivity and specificity of the ultrasonography test were 71.43 and 96.97%, respectively.ConclusionMalignant thyroid nodules demonstrated ultrasonography characteristics of hypoechoic texture, intra-nodular micro-calcifications, solid consistency, internal vascularity and absence of peripheral halo. The ultrasonography test has 92.5% diagnostic accuracy to differentiate malignant from benign lesions in comparison to the gold standard fine needle aspiration cytology test.


The seroprevalence of hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and human immunodeficiency virus in patients undergoing septoplasty

Publication date: Available online 17 November 2016
Source:Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology
Author(s): Ozlem Onerci Celebi, Ela Araz Server, Bahtiyar Hamit, Özgür Yiğit
IntroductionWorldwide, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, and human immunodeficiency virus are major health problems. Healthcare workers are at risk of transmitting blood–borne viruses, and surgeons have a higher risk of exposure to blood and higher rates of percutaneous injury than other healthcare workers. Septoplasty is among the 3 most commonly performed otolaryngological surgeries worldwide.ObjectiveTo determine the seroprevalence of HBsAg, anti-HCV, and anti-HIV in patients undergoing septoplasty with and without turbinate surgery under general anesthesia, and to determine if preoperative testing should be performed in such patients.MethodsThis retrospective cross-sectional study included 3731 patients that underwent septoplasty with and without turbinate surgery between January 2005 and July 2015. HBsAg, anti-HCV, and anti-HIV seropositivity in the patients was evaluated retrospectively.ResultsMean age of the patients was 36 years (range: 11–81 years). In all, 117 (3.6%) patients were positive for HBsAg, 12 (0.3%) were positive for anti-HCV, and 7 (0.2%) were positive for anti-HIV.ConclusionsEducation of healthcare workers combined with routine preoperative serological testing in patients undergoing septoplasty under general and local anesthesia are needed to increase awareness of hepatitis B and C, and HIV infection among healthcare workers and patients in order to decrease the transmission rate.


Intraoral excision of a huge retropharyngeal lipoma causing dysphagia and obstructive sleep apnea

Publication date: Available online 17 November 2016
Source:Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology
Author(s): Umit Aydin, Omer Karakoc, Murat Binar, Fatih Arslan, Mustafa Gerek
BackgroundBenign tumors of the retropharyngeal space are relatively uncommon. Retropharyngeal lipomas can cause dysphagia and obstructive sleep apnea through the mass effect.Case reportA 24-year old male admitted to our clinic with complaints of progressive snoring, dysphagia and excessive daytime sleepiness for one year. Anterior bulging of oropharyngeal and hypopharyngeal wall was revealed by endoscopic examination. Polysomnography indicated a severe degree of obstructive sleep apnea. Radiological imaging revealed that the retropharyngeal lesion is of lipomatous origin. Surgical resection of the retropharyngeal mass was achieved by transoral approach. The patient's complaints of dysphagia, snoring and daytime sleepiness resolved after complete removal of the mass.ConclusionLipomas should be considered in the differential diagnosis of retropharyngeal region masses that may cause severe dysphagia and obstructive sleep apnea. The amelioration of obstructive sleep apnea severity approves the obstructive character of the lesion in the present case. The surgical approach changes depending on the location of lipoma. Transoral approach was the best choice for the surgical excision in this case.


Effects of distractors on upright balance performance in school-aged children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, preliminary study

Publication date: Available online 17 November 2016
Source:Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology
Author(s): Fatma Esen Aydinli, Tuna Çak, Meltem Çiğdem Kirazli, Betül Çiçek Çinar, Alev Pektaş, Ebru Kültür Çengel, Songül Aksoy
IntroductionAttention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a common impairing neuropsychiatric disorder with onset in early childhood. Almost half of the children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder also experience a variety of motor-related dysfunctions ranging from fine/gross motor control problems to difficulties in maintaining balance.ObjectivesThe main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of distractors two different auditory distractors namely, relaxing music and white noise on upright balance performance in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.MethodsWe compared upright balance performance and the involvement of different sensory systems in the presence of auditory distractors between school-aged children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (n=26) and typically developing controls (n=20). Neurocom SMART Balance Master Dynamic Posturography device was used for the sensory organization test. Sensory organization test was repeated three times for each participant in three different test environments.ResultsThe balance scores in the silence environment were lower in the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder group but the differences were not statistically significant. In addition to lower balance scores the visual and vestibular ratios were also lower. Auditory distractors affected the general balance performance positively for both groups. More challenging conditions, using an unstable platform with distorted somatosensory signals were more affected. Relaxing music was more effective in the control group, and white noise was more effective in the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder group and the positive effects of white noise became more apparent in challenging conditions.ConclusionTo the best of our knowledge, this is the first study evaluating balance performance in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder under the effects of auditory distractors. Although more studies are needed, our results indicate that auditory distractors may have enhancing effects on upright balance performance in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.


Plasmacytoid dendritic cells in autoimmunity


Santosh K Panda | Roland Kolbeck | Miguel A Sanjuan


Analgesia following adenotonsillar surgery in children: is Oramorph required in addition to paracetamol and ibuprofen?

Publication date: Available online 16 November 2016
Source:European Annals of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Diseases
Author(s): R. Wei Chern Gan, T. Kamani, M. Daniel
BackgroundRecent advice against codeine use in children prompted our unit to prescribe Oramorph as required, in addition to regular paracetamol and ibuprofen, as post-(adeno)tonsillectomy analgesia. This study investigated whether Oramorph was in fact required.MethodsFollowing (adeno)tonsillectomy, parents were telephoned and asked whether they used Oramorph.ResultsOf 56 children studied, 41 (73.2%) were given Oramorph. In the 15 (26.8%) that were not, this was because parents felt it was not required in 14 children, and in 1 case, it was due to worries about side effects. Overall, 14 carers (25.0%) expressed concerns about Oramorph use, mostly over possible side effects.ConclusionWhen regular paracetamol and ibuprofen are used post-(adeno)tonsillectomy, nearly three quarters of children require Oramorph as well. Prescribing Oramorph as required, in addition to regular paracetamol and ibuprofen, is appropriate following adenotonsillar surgery.


The challenges ahead


Vinay S Dua

Indian Journal of Oral Sciences 2016 7(2):69-69


Oral and dental management of leukemic children


Saurabh Ramesh Joshi, Gowri Swaminatham Pendyala, Vikrant O Kasat, Viddyasagar Mopagar, Shantanu Chaudhari

Indian Journal of Oral Sciences 2016 7(2):70-73

Leukemia is the most common malignancy in children which constitutes approximately 30% of all childhood cancers. Leukemia is the malignancy of white blood cells precursors in which the normal marrow elements are replaced by the poorly formed blast cells. Bone marrow transplantation along with a high dose of chemotherapy and radiotherapy is the most accepted treatment for acute leukemias. Leukemic patients suffer from acute complications in the oral cavity and long-term complications in dental and craniofacial development secondary to antineoplastic therapy. This review aims to provide an insight into clinical research evidence available for the management of leukemic patients in the dental office. For review, a search of "PubMed" and "Google Scholar" was made with the keywords "acute leukemia AND dental management," "oral health considerations AND leukemic children," "chemotherapy AND acute leukemia," "radiotherapy AND acute leukemia." It was supplemented with hand search to identify related published articles in the dental journals.


Association between periodontitis and Alzheimer's disease: Does the link exist?


Ravi Prakash Popat, Neeta V Bhavsar, Parita Ravi Popat

Indian Journal of Oral Sciences 2016 7(2):74-78

The relationship between oral and systemic health has remained a matter of debate since the early 1900s. In recent years, concept of "focal infection," systemic effect from oral microorganism, gained much attention. Based on the theory of "focal infection," periodontitis is linked with various systemic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, preterm birth/low-birth-weight infants, and aspiration pneumonia. In this review, we discuss the association between periodontitis and Alzheimer's disease.


Salivary tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin 6 levels in oral lichen planus patients


Maryam Robati, Hojatollah Yousefimanesh, Reza Maleki, M Ghafourian Brujerdnia

Indian Journal of Oral Sciences 2016 7(2):79-82

Background: Oral lichen planus (OLP) is an inflammatory disease, and its etiology remains unknown, but there is much evidence that implies the existence of an immunological background. Aims: The salivary levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) as representatives of T-helper 1, 2 cells in OLP are compared to healthy individuals. Methods: This case-control study contains 60 patients with OLP and 30 healthy individuals. Patients were selected from those referred to the Department of Oral Medicine of Ahvaz Dentistry. After explaining the study whole saliva was collected. The salivary levels of TNF-α and IL-6 were measured using ELISA test. Statistical Analysis: t-test and Kruskal-Wallis test were used for statistical analysis. Results: The salivary levels of TNF-α and IL-6 in the group with OLP were significantly higher than the healthy group. The average concentrations of TNF-α and IL-6 were in the erosive/atrophic group (0.23 ± 0.08, 0.46 ± 0.02 Pg/ml respectively). The salivary levels of TNF-α and IL-6 in the erosive/atrophic group were significantly higher than the healthy and the reticular groups. Conclusions: The salivary levels of TNF-α and IL-6 were significantly increased in the group with OLP.


Comparative histological and morphometric analysis of the effectiveness of manual and different recently introduced rotary instruments: An in vitro study


Shalu Krishan, Saloni Gupta

Indian Journal of Oral Sciences 2016 7(2):83-86

Aims: The aim of this study is to evaluate cleaning efficacy of K-file, ProTaper Next, and V-Taper file systems by histological and morphometric analysis. Subjects and Methods: Thirty extracted, single rooted human mandibular premolars were selected. The teeth were randomly divided into three groups with ten teeth each. In Group 1 teeth were prepared with K-file, in Group 2 with ProTaper Next rotary system, and Group 3 with V-Taper rotary system. Histological and morphometric analysis of specimen were done and observed under an optic microscope. Statistical Analysis Used: The data were statistically analyzed using nonparametric analysis of variance Kruskal-Wallis test and the level of significance was set at P < 0.05. SPSS version 12 software was used for statistical analysis. Results: Instrumentation with stainless steel K-files showed minimum amount of debris, followed by ProTaper Next files, and rotary V-Taper files were least effective with the maximum amount of debris; however, there were no significant differences between the three experimental groups. Conclusions: Both the manual and rotary instrumentation are relatively efficient in cleaning the apical third of the root canal system, and the choice between manual and rotary instrumentation should depend on case to case basis.


Estimation of serum and salivary level of resistin in obese patients with periodontitis


Reema M Rao, Nina Shenoy, Biju Thomas

Indian Journal of Oral Sciences 2016 7(2):87-91

Context: Obesity is considered as one of the risk indicators of periodontal diseases. Resistin could be one such marker that could provide a link among the periodontitis-obesity. Aims: The aim of this study was to corelate the serum and saliva resistin levels and its association in obese individuals with chronic periodontitis. Settings and Design: A cross-sectional study was done to co-relate the serum and saliva resistin levels and its association in obese individuals with chronic periodontitis. Subjects and Methods: Participants were divided into Group I comprising 15 obese individuals with healthy gingiva (control group) and Group II comprising 15 obese individuals with chronic moderate periodontitis (periodontitis group).Gingival index, clinical attachment level and body mass index were determined. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test was used to determine the level of resistin in both serum and saliva. Statistical Analysis Used: To study the difference in the levels of resistin between two groups in terms of saliva and serum, independent sample t-test was used. Results: The highest resistin levels were seen in the serum and saliva of Group II. Correlation of serum resistin concentration with salivary resistin concentration was positive among both the groups. A positive corelation was observed between resistin and clinical parameters and was statistically significant. Conclusion: Thus, resistin can be considered as a potential mediator linking obesity and periodontal disease. Hence, it can be concluded that resistin probably may bear similar features of a proinflammatory cytokine and could play a role in inflammatory diseases like periodontitis.


Genotoxic and cytotoxic effects following dental and panoramic radiography


N Mohan, PT Ravikumar, C Madhumitha

Indian Journal of Oral Sciences 2016 7(2):92-98

Aim: To evaluate the effects of diagnostic radiation on the epithelial cells of oral mucosa. Objective: To evaluate and compare the possible cellular changes seen in oral epithelium after panoramic and periapical radiography. Materials and Methods: The patients who are advised for panoramic radiography and intraoral periapical radiography (IOPAR) were included in the study with 20 subjects in each group. Smear from the buccal mucosa was taken immediately before and 10 days after the radiation exposure. The cellular changes were studied under the compound microscope. Results: The mean value of micronuclei, condensed chromatin, karyorrhectic cells, pyknotic cells, karyolytic cells, and cells with nuclear bud was found to be increased after IOPAR and panoramic radiographic exposure. Conclusion: The genotoxic effect induced by periapical radiography exposure is more when compared to panoramic radiograph exposure. The cytotoxic effects caused by panoramic radiography on oral epithelial cells are more compared to that of IOPAR.


Study of the relationship between taste sensation and dental caries experience among dental students


Sumith Gunawardane, Sajjiv Ariyasinghe, Sunethra Rajapakse

Indian Journal of Oral Sciences 2016 7(2):99-102

Background and Aims: High sugar intake has been found to be related to high caries experience. High sugar intake is found to be prevalent among individuals who have a preference for sweet substances. Genetic sensitivity to taste has been implicated in the preference for or rejection of some foods. TAS2R38 gene appears to strongly mediate the bitter taste perception. It has also been shown that the genetic sensitivity to bitter compounds such as 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) is also mediated by this gene. The objective of this study was to determine the association of coronal dental caries among dental students with different genetic sensitivity levels of taste sensation as determined by the PROP. Materials and Methods: Coronal caries and restorations in permanent dentition were evaluated in 78 healthy 1 st year dental students aged 20-25 years. A filter paper containing PROP was used to determine the subjects' inherited ability to taste bitter and sweet taste sensation. Subjects were categorized into groups of supertasters, medium tasters, and nontasters according to the modified Green's scale. The data were analyzed using Shapiro-Wilk test and Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: The mean decayed, missing, and filled teeth for nontasters was 1.64 ± 2.04 while 2.38 ± 3.24 for medium tasters and 1.96 ± 2.31 for supertasters. Conclusion: Although the scientific literature suggested a significant difference in dental caries experience and inherited the ability to taste bitter taste sensation, differences in the presenting study were not statistically significant. Although this study gives negative results for the hypothesis we intended to test, the researchers expect to do the study with a large sample of Sri Lankan population in a different context.


Dental caries status in human immunodeficiency virus-positive and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients


Amit Malhotra, Jyoti Ahlawat, Mithra N Hegde, Ananya Mahajan

Indian Journal of Oral Sciences 2016 7(2):103-106

Purpose: There is a major population suffering from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in the world yet not many studies documenting dental caries disease status in HIV +ve and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients are published. The present research was aimed to assess dental caries in HIV infected population, through measurement of decayed, missing, and filled (DMF) index. Materials and Methods: The study is a randomized and cross-sectional in nature. A total of One hundred HIV +ve patients were analyzed. They were distributed into two test groups: Group I (test) - 50 patients evidently HIV +ve with CD4 count >200 and Group II (test) - 50 patients evidently HIV +ve with CD4 count more than 200, respectively, whereas Group III (control) included 50 HIV −ve patients. Information was collected and analyzed regarding age, gender, skin color, habits, general and oral diseases, highly active antiretroviral therapy. Results: The mean DMF teeth score for Group I, Group II, and Control Group were found to be 17.64, 17.30, and 11.462, respectively. The results were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey HSD, the difference in caries status was found to be very highly significant between both Group I and control, Group II and control; but was not significant in between the test groups, Group I and Group II. Conclusion: An increase in dental caries was observed in HIV + ve individuals as compared to normal population but it did not increase markedly with a decrease in CD4 count.


Microbial flora on the white coats of dental health care professionals


Tony Saj, PS Murali, Sumit Bohra, Shilpa Shenoy, US Krishnanayak

Indian Journal of Oral Sciences 2016 7(2):107-109

Objective: To determine the types of microbial flora present on the white coats of dental healthcare professionals in a Dental Institution and Hospital. Materials and Methods: A total of 100 white coats of dental healthcare professionals were included in the study. An informed consent and questionnaire were taken. A cross-sectional survey was designed with bacterial contamination of white coats in three predetermined areas (chest, pocket, and sleeves). Sterile swabs were moistened with sterile saline. The growth on the plates was determined based on colony morphology, gram-staining, and standard biochemical tests. Chi-square test was used to assess the association among the study variables. Results: Of the total sample, five washed their white coats every day, 60 weekly once, and 35 weekly twice. About 12% of the doctors exchanged their white coats. About 33% of the doctors wore their white coats while eating. Staphylococcus aureus was the most predominant isolate found on the sleeves, and Escherichia coli was found on the pockets. Most of the organisms were seen Gram-positive staphylococci and Gram-negative E. coli. No statistically significant association between the overall presence of microbial flora was observed when compared with different gender, frequency of washings, and practice of exchanging. Conclusions: White coats are a potential source of cross-infection even in dental settings and surroundings. It is therefore recommended that guidelines be prepared for handling and cleaning procedures of white coats.


Mineral trioxide aggregate obturation in retreatment with regenerative adjuncts of bioceramic allograft in large periapical defects


Asma Zoya, Sajid Ali, Masood Hasan Khan, Fehmi Mian

Indian Journal of Oral Sciences 2016 7(2):110-114

Endodontic overfills and incomplete obturation is usually associated with an array of local complications and results in persistent periapical infection and inflammation. In addition, imprecise management of immature roots also leads to treatment failure. Here, a case of open apices of maxillary central incisors with extrusion of Gutta-percha and associated large periapical lesion is presented. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) was used to obturate the blunderbuss canals, and an alloplastic graft (biphasic calcium phosphate) was filled in the bony defect after surgical curettage. At the 6th month postoperatively, periapical osseous healing was satisfactory. The advantages and indications of MTA as obturation material and bone graft in periodontal regeneration are discussed. Clinically and radiographically, the case was followed for 5 years to assess the outcomes of MTA obturation.


Immediate implant: An approach for better esthetics!!!


Deepak Grover, Gurpreet Kaur

Indian Journal of Oral Sciences 2016 7(2):115-120

Dental implants can be placed in fresh sockets just after tooth extraction. These are called "immediate implants." The intention of placing immediate implants is to try to preserve tissue contour, dimension, and also decrease treatment time. The soft and hard tissue changes following tooth extraction are in close relationship to the timing of the implant placement. In spite of similar success rates reported for immediate, early, and delayed placement, it is very important to understand the risk factors related to each procedure, to have careful case selection, and to closely follow the surgical and prosthetic protocols. The paper describes a case of 29-year-old male with right maxillary lateral incisor root stump, treated with extraction of the root stump followed by immediate implant placement.


Chondromalacia as pathological finding in arthroscopy of the temporomandibular joint: A retrospective study

The objective of this study was to describe the arthroscopic findings of chondromalacia and its relation with the internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).


Facial Palsy after Dental Procedures – Is Viral Reactivation Responsible?

Herpes labialis viral reactivation has been reported following dental procedures, but the incidence, characteristics and outcomes of delayed peripheral facial nerve palsy following dental work is poorly understood. Herein we describe the unique features of delayed facial paresis following dental procedures.


Dynamic Facial Asymmetry in Patients with Repaired Cleft Lip using 4D Imaging (Video Stereophotogrammetry)

Unilateral Cleft Lip is a profoundly asymmetrical condition affecting all hard and soft tissue layers from the nose to the upper lip. Although the asymmetry is minimized through cleft lip repair, a degree of asymmetry inevitably persists. Studies investigating asymmetry in patients with Cleft Lip have used facial measurements, and static 2D and 3D photography. The nose/lip/mouth area, however, is rarely static in our day to day social interactions.


Facial thirds−based evaluation of facial asymmetry using stereophotogrammetric devices: Application to facial palsy subjects

Many conditions can compromise facial symmetry, resulting in an impairment of the affected person from both esthetic and functional points of view. For these reasons, a detailed, focused, and objective evaluation of facial asymmetry is needed, both for surgical planning and for treatment evaluation.In this study, we present a new quantitative method to assess symmetry in different facial thirds, objectively defined on the territories of distribution of trigeminal branches.A total of 70 subjects (40 healthy controls and 30 patients with unilateral facial palsy) participated.


Buccal bone thickness at dental implants in the aesthetic zone: a 1-year follow-up cone beam computed tomography study

Sufficient buccal bone thickness (BBT) is important for an optimal aesthetic outcome of implant treatment in the aesthetic zone. The aim of the study was to assess BBT at dental implants placed in the aesthetic zone (incisor, canine or first premolar in the maxilla) (immediate or delayed, with or without immediate provisionalization) with cone beam computer tomography (CBCT) as a function of time.Eighty patients were divided into 4 groups according to size of the buccal bony defect (<5 or ≥5 mm) after removal of the tooth, and timing of implant placement and provisionalization.


Differential diagnosis of IgG4-related sialadenitis, primary Sjögren syndrome, and chronic obstructive submandibular sialadenitis

Our aim was to differentiate IgG4-related sialadenitis, primary Sjögren syndrome, and chronic obstructive submandibular sialadenitis by analysing clinical, radiographic, and pathological features. Fifty-five patients, 50, and 50 were enrolled, respectively and their baseline characteristics and serological, sialographic, and pathological findings compared. The male:female ratio for IgG4-related sialadenitis was 1:1.2 for primary Sjögren syndrome 1:15.7, and for chronic obstructive submandibular sialadenitis1:0.92.


The effects of dynamic airway photographs on preoperative airway planning among a panel of anesthetists

To determine whether having preoperative airway photographs will change the preanesthetic airway plan.


Perioperative anesthetic management for renal cell carcinoma with vena caval thrombus extending into the right atrium: case series

Renal cell carcinoma has a tendency for vascular invasion and may extend into the inferior vena cava and even into the right-sided cardiac chambers. It has been reported that nephrectomy with thrombectomy can provide immediate palliation of symptoms with 5-year survival rates of up to 72% in the absence of nodal or distant metastasis. The location of the tumor dictates the anesthetic and surgical approach, as extension into the heart often necessitates cardiac surgical involvement. Renal cell carcinoma with vena cava tumor thrombus extending into the right cardiac chamber usually requires cardiopulmonary bypass and occasionally deep hypothermic circulatory arrest for surgical resection, and anesthetic approach should be tailored to each individual case.


Glycopyrrolate: It's time to review

Medication shortages have become an all-too-common inconvenience that has forced anesthesia providers to examine our administering practices. Because of these shortages, commonly used medications are at the greatest risk. Glycopyrrolate (Robinul), which has been in short supply in recent years, is one of the most widely used anticholinergic agents, especially in conjunction with the anticholinesterase neostigmine, for reversal of neuromuscular blockade (NMB) drugs. Here we review multiple studies from 1972 through 1986 that used varying methods of patient selection and dosage and drug combination criteria, and which noted that glycopyrrolate had a superior efficacy and adverse effect profile when compared with atropine in NMB reversal.


Choreoathetotic syndrome following cardiac surgery

Movement disorders following heart surgery are very unusual. Post-pump chorea is mainly a pediatric complication of heart surgery, typically manifesting after a latent period of normality and is usually related with long extracorporeal circulation time and deep hypothermia. We report a 73-year-old woman, without risk factors predisposing to paroxysmal movement disorders, presenting acute choreoathetoid movements 5 days after aortic valvular replacement with normal extracorporeal circulation time and perioperative normothermia.


Cervical sympathetic blockade for the management of electrical storm

A 75-year-old man presented with dizziness and fatigue secondary to ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias. He underwent an elective ablation but continued to suffer from ventricular tachycardia with cardiovascular instability despite antiarrhythmic therapy with multiple agents. The patient continued to develop episodes of ventricular tachycardia and an episode of ventricular fibrillation.Electrical storm encompasses a situation of cardiac instability which may present as several episodes of ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation in a short period.


Interventional laser surgery for oral potentially malignant disorders: a longitudinal patient cohort study

Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is a lethal disease, with rising incidence. There were 6767 new OSCC cases and 2056 deaths in the UK in 2011. Cancers are preceded by oral potentially malignant disorders (PMDs), recognizable mucosal diseases harbouring increased SCC risk, offering clinicians a 'therapeutic window' to intervene. Contemporary practice remains unable to predict lesion behaviour or quantify malignant transformation risk. No clear management guidelines exist and it is unclear from the literature whether early diagnosis and intervention prevents cancer.


Psoriasis and Migraine: What's the Connection?

A disease severity-dependent increased risk for migraine in psoriasis and increased risk for new-onset migraine in psoriatic arthritis could be mediated by the usual suspects—proinflammatory cytokines.
Medscape Dermatology


Meta-analysis of prevalence of wheezing and recurrent wheezing in infants


Publication date: Available online 17 November 2016
Source:Allergologia et Immunopathologia
Author(s): I. Alvarez-Alvarez, H. Niu, F. Guillen-Grima, I. Aguinaga-Ontoso
BackgroundWheezing affects children's quality of life, and is related with asthma in childhood. Although prevalence of wheezing has been previously studied in several countries, there is no reference of worldwide prevalence in infants. The aim of this meta-analysis is to estimate the prevalence of wheezing and recurrent wheezing in infants aged up to two years, and compare the prevalence across world regions.MethodsLiterature search was conducted in MEDLINE and SCOPUS databases, looking for observational studies published up to June 2016, including as keywords "prevalence" or "epidemiology" combined with "wheeze", "wheezing" or "asthma symptoms" and "infant" or "preschool". Fast*Pro software and random effects Bayesian model were used. Heterogeneity was estimated using I2 statistic, and sensitivity analyses were performed.ResultsWe identified 109 studies after duplicates were removed. After exclusions, 14 studies were included in the meta-analysis. Prevalence of wheezing and recurrent wheezing were 36.06% (95% CI 35.17–36.96), and 17.41% (95% CI 16.74–18.09), respectively. In European countries, prevalence of wheezing was 30.68% (95% CI 28.97–32.45), and 12.35% (95% CI 11.27–13.47) for recurrent wheezing. Prevalence of wheezing and recurrent wheezing in Latin America were higher, 40.55% (95% CI 39.40–41.71), and 19.27% (95% CI 18.44–20.11), respectively. In Africa, prevalence of wheezing was 15.97% (95% CI 14.05–18.00). Low or no heterogeneity was found in all cases.ConclusionsMore than one third of infants suffer from wheezing and almost one fifth from recurrent wheezing, being these illnesses especially prevalent in Latin American countries, pointing out an important public health problem.


Cofactors and comorbidities in patients with aspirin/NSAID hypersensitivity

Publication date: Available online 17 November 2016
Source:Allergologia et Immunopathologia
Author(s): M. Sánchez-Borges, F. Caballero-Fonseca, A. Capriles-Hulett
Hypersensitivity reactions to aspirin and other NSAIDs occur in individuals genetically predisposed and exhibit different clinical manifestations, especially respiratory, cutaneous, and generalised. Five different phenotypes define distinct clinical pictures: aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease, aspirin/NSAID cutaneous disease, NSAID-induced urticaria, angio-oedema and anaphylaxis, single NSAID reactions, and delayed reactions. They are observed more frequently in middle-aged women, and in atopic individuals. While ASA/NSAID hypersensitivity shares comorbidities with asthma, chronic rhinosinusitis, nasal polyposis, chronic urticaria and angio-oedema, ASA and other NSAIDs can also be cofactors for other clinically relevant conditions, especially food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis, angio-oedema induced by angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, and oral mite anaphylaxis. Awareness on these relationships is required for the correct diagnosis, classification, and treatment of affected patients.


Genomic and Transcriptomic Alterations Associated with STAT3 Activation in Head and Neck Cancer

by Noah D. Peyser, Kelsey Pendleton, William E. Gooding, Vivian W. Y. Lui, Daniel E. Johnson, Jennifer R. Grandis


Hyperactivation of STAT3 via constitutive phosphorylation of tyrosine 705 (Y705) is common in most human cancers, including head and neck squamous carcinoma (HNSCC). STAT3 is rarely mutated in cancer and the (epi)genetic alterations that lead to STAT3 activation are incompletely understood. Here we used an unbiased approach to identify genomic and epigenomic changes associated with pSTAT3(Y705) expression using data generated by The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA).

Methods and Findings

Mutation, mRNA expression, promoter methylation, and copy number alteration data were extracted from TCGA and examined in the context of pSTAT3(Y705) protein expression. mRNA expression levels of 1279 genes were found to be associated with pSTAT3(705) expression. Association of pSTAT3(Y705) expression with caspase-8 mRNA expression was validated by immunoblot analysis in HNSCC cells. Mutation, promoter hypermethylation, and copy number alteration of any gene were not significantly associated with increased pSTAT3(Y705) protein expression.


These cumulative results suggest that unbiased approaches may be useful in identifying the molecular underpinnings of oncogenic signaling, including STAT3 activation, in HNSCC. Larger datasets will likely be necessary to elucidate signaling consequences of infrequent alterations.
