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- ► Δεκεμβρίου (2460)
- ► Σεπτεμβρίου (2605)
- ► Φεβρουαρίου (2785)
Ιαν 13
- Chapter 7 Rye: Grain-Quality Characteristics and M...
- The role of bone marrow aspirate cells in the mana...
- Presentation of a Conserved Adenoviral Epitope on ...
- Distribution of RET Mutations in Multiple Endocrin...
- Risks in surgery-first orthognathic approach: comp...
- Erratum to: Abstracts
- An Interleukin 12 Adjuvanted Herpes Simplex Virus ...
- Hypermethylation of IFN-γ in oral cancer tissues
- The influence of dental treatment on the developme...
- The effect of veneering on the marginal fit of CAD...
- Woman Who Acquired Zika Locally in US Had Unusual ...
- Editorial Board
- Reviewer thank you list
- Prognostic impact of the level of nodal involvemen...
- Training Groups
- Primary malignant melanoma of the middle ear mucos...
- Spontaneous Intraventricular Pneumocephalus.
- Quantitative Correlation Between Hyaluronic Acid F...
- Development of One-Step Drill-Tap for a Resorbable...
- Review of "The Future of the ACA and Health Care P...
- Use of Pedicled Buccal Fat Pad for Cranial Base Re...
- Laparoscopic Free Omental Flap for Craniofacial Re...
- Endoscopic-Assisted Palatal Surgery Via Transoral ...
- Review of "Revised CIOMS International Ethical Gui...
- The Use of Double-Layer Collagen Membrane for the ...
- Essentials of Our Current Understanding: Abdominal...
- Reporting of Design Features and Analysis Details ...
- Subcutaneous immunization with Streptococcus pneum...
- A novel combination treatment to stimulate bone he...
- Neurofibromatose
- Lipoma de pescoço e cisto de Torward
- Hipertrofia de parótida com linfonodo
- Venous anastomosis in free flap reconstruction aft...
- Marijuana Exposure is Associated with Minimal Chan...
- Does Meta-Analysis Prove Which Factors Predict Rel...
- Bleeding of Papillary Thyroid Recurrent Carcinoma ...
- Thyroid Cancer Overdiagnosis Is a Result of Screen...
- Women with Gestational Thyroid Dysfunction May Be...
- The Increased Incidence of Thyroid Cancer Is World...
- What's Ahead in Clinical Thyroidology in 2017
- Clinical, Sonographic, and Pathological Characteri...
- Subclinical Hypothyroidism Among Those 85+ Years O...
- Lymph Node Mapping with Ultrasound Is Highly Usefu...
- Fetal Hyperthyroidism Resulted from TSI in a Mothe...
- Transoral Endoscopic Thyroidectomy Is a Novel Expe...
- An Unexpected Finding in a Thyroid Cancer Patient ...
- Complicação de cole com paquimeningite 1
- Symptomatic oral lesions may be associated with co...
- A novel AMELX mutation causes hypoplastic amelogen...
- A novel AMELX mutation causes hypoplastic amelogen...
- Melasma
- Clotrimazol und Ciclopiroxolamin jeweils in Kombin...
- Haut und Schwangerschaft
- Endoscopic Tympanoplasty Using Nasal Septal Cartil...
- Nasal Irrigation as Treatment in Sinonasal Symptom...
- Neuroendocrine Tumour of the Middle Ear: A Case Re...
- Does Chlorhexidine Prevent Alveolar Osteitis after...
- Beneficial redundancy - did we forget the benefit ...
- To Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of SCB01A in S...
- Laser Fluorescence in Cancer Surgical Treatment
- Induction Chemotherapy in Young Patients With Loco...
- Ropidoxuridine in Treating Patients With Advanced ...
- Examination of high-antibiotic users in a multi-in...
- Parents’ Childhood Socioeconomic Circumstances are...
- Patterns of Immune Development in Urban Preschoole...
- Identification of Airway-Mucosal Type-2 inflammati...
- Three-dimensional finite element model to predict ...
- Cortical bone thickness of the mandibular canal an...
- Parasympathectomy increases resting salivary secre...
- Enamel and dental anomalies in latent-transforming...
- Corrigendum
- Author Guidelines
- Relationship between gustatory function and averag...
- Strategies to alter the natural history of childho...
- Prenatal exposures and the development of childhoo...
- Linear nonpalpable purpura in a young male: a uniq...
- Pectoral nerve blocks are useful for axillary sent...
- Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis: clinic...
- Piperacillin–tazobactam-induced linear IgA bullous...
- Pneumatização justa carotídea
- Cole do meato
- Ozena
- Cole do meato
- Expiratory muscle strength training evaluated with...
- Concurrent external and intraluminal vacuum-assist...
- Serial in-office laser treatment of vocal fold leu...
- Pneumatização peritubária
- Estenose de MAE com perfuração do muro
- Cisto branquial
- Cisto dermóide dorso nasal
- Soltura de prótese de estapedo – Dr. Mitre
- Radical espontânea
- Hemilaringite infecciosa
- Cec rinofaringe
- Meningioma goteira olfatória
- Desensitization to acetazolamide in a patient with...
- Strategies to alter the natural history of childho...
- Prenatal exposures and the development of childhoo...
- Tumor de palato e amígdala vascular
- Cavidade radical espontânea
Ιαν 13
- ► Δεκεμβρίου (2118)
- ► Σεπτεμβρίου (877)
- ► Φεβρουαρίου (41)
- ► Ιανουαρίου (39)
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Αναπαύσεως 5
Άγιος Νικόλαος Κρήτη 72100
Παρασκευή 13 Ιανουαρίου 2017
A Predictive Model for Extended Postanesthesia Care Unit Length of Stay in Outpatient Surgeries.
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