Maintaining oxygenation is the principal purpose of airway management. Oxygen delivery in airway crises is aimed at preventing cardiac arrest and limiting hypoxic consequences before quickly moving on to secure the airway or wake the patient up if appropriate. Currently, there is debate12 concerning the most appropriate method to facilitate oxygenation during a 'can't intubate, can't oxygenate' (CICO) scenario while a definitive airway is secured. Emergency front-of-neck access (FONA) courses include a critical analysis of cannula cricothyroidotomy as part of their curricula. This has been driven by widespread acceptance and teaching of Heard's algorithm.3 However, concerns124–6 have been raised over the high failure rate of cannula cricothyroidotomy in CICO management when compared with surgical access, and its future omission has been advocated. The Canadian Airway Focus Group7 excludes cannula cricothyroidotomy from their recommendations unless the clinician is very experienced with jet ventilation. They state that options should be limited to either the percutaneous needle-guided wide-bore cannula or an open surgical technique.
Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου
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Μαΐ 17
- Association of neck circumference and pulmonary fu...
- Schwimmbadgranulom
- Ein Glomustumor unter dem Fingernagel
- Bullöses Pemphigoid: Doxycyclin statt Prednisolon?
- Kutane Nebenwirkungen der Immuntherapie
- Melanom: Lymphknotendissektion auch therapeutisch ...
- Inhaltsverzeichnis
- Jahreshighlight der Kongresssaison
- Infliximab wirkt rasch gegen Psoriasis
- Streifen auf dem Nagel: Wann besteht Melanomverdacht?
- Spielt das Aquarium eine Rolle?
- Die Rente der Ärzte ist sicher – aber...
- Klinische Studien: Viele Patienten sind interessie...
- Histaminarme Diät gegen chronische Urtikaria
- PDT: Wie wird die Haut optimal vorbereitet?
- Molekulare Diagnostik entzündlicher Dermatosen
- Sentinellymphknotenbiopsie beim malignen Melanom: ...
- Mukosales Melanom: Kombination geprüft
- Junge Ärzte wollen sanften Einstieg in die eigene ...
- Narben als Schmuck und Initiation
- Ringförmige Läsionen auf Stirn und Händen
- Pediatric nasal surgery prior to puberty is not on...
- Improve the Treatment of Thoracic Esophageal Cancer
- Effects of Vaccination with the C-Strain Vaccine o...
- Evidence that eating baked egg or milk influences ...
- Psychoonkologische Betreuung von Patienten mit Kop...
- Tiefer Halsabzess: Verspätete Drainage bei Erwachs...
- Seltene Differenzialdiagnose bei Tinnitus und Hörs...
- Peritonsillarabszess – Schmerzfreiheit durch krani...
- Kommentar der Schriftleitung
- Hörtests funktionieren mit entsprechender App auch...
- Aus der Gutachtenpraxis: Gibt es Gehörschäden durc...
- Schluckstörungen bei tracheo(s)tomierten Patienten
- Fragen für die Facharztprüfung
- Korrektur einzelner Septumabschnitte
- Repeated haemorrhages in peripheral nerve sheath t...
- Adaptation, validity, and reliability of the Presc...
- Polysomnography results versus clinical factors to...
- Dental age is more appropriate than chronological ...
- The epidemiological analysis of maxillofacial frac...
- Can cyst volume be used to stratify risk of compli...
- A systematic review of soft-to-hard tissue ratios ...
- Association of neck circumference and pulmonary fu...
- Advances in Radiation Oncology
- Precision Medicine
- Multicenter Patch Testing With Methylchloroisothiz...
- Unreported Sources of Nickel Exposure in Community...
- Preventing Occupational Skin Disease: A Review of ...
- The Latest Occult “Hypoallergenic” Allergen: Ethyl...
- Occupational Contact Dermatitis in North American ...
- Occupational Contact Dermatitis in North American ...
- Brushing Your Way to Allergic Contact Dermatitis: ...
- Epidemic of Isothiazolinone Allergy in North Ameri...
- Intralesional Treatment With 5-Fluorouracil and St...
- Multicenter Patch Testing With Methylisothiazolino...
- Contact Allergens in Food Handlers of Kashmir Vall...
- Index
- Copyright
- Contributors
- Contents
- Forthcoming Issues
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacology
- The Future of Pharmacology in Anesthesia Practice
- Anticoagulation and Neuraxial/Peripheral Anesthesia
- Pharmacology of Antiemetics
- Pharmacology of Octreotide
- Perioperative Pharmacologic Considerations in Obesity
- Pharmacogenomics in Anesthesia
- Pharmacogenomics in Pain Management
- Essential Elements of Multimodal Analgesia in Enha...
- A Side-by-Side Look at the Most Common Rosacea Tre...
- How Are Rosacea and Migraines Connected?
- Optimized immunohistochemistry using the D5F3 anti...
- Accept or Decline? An Analytics-Based Decision Too...
- Hepatic hemodynamics and portal flow modulation: T...
- Heart Transplantation From DCD Donors: From the Be...
- Die Kopfhaut im Alter
- Serial Neck Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Changes...
- Comparison of Survival Outcomes Following Postsurg...
- Patient-Centered Outcomes in Food Allergy
- Assessment of condyle, masseter and temporal muscl...
- Inflammation related genes upregulates in surgical...
- Onco-testicular sperm extraction (onco-TESE) for b...
- Does mutational analysis influence the management ...
- POU4F3 mutation screening in Japanese hearing loss...
- Prospective External Validation of Three Preoperat...
- Preoperative Warming Versus no Preoperative Warmin...
- Patient Blood Management in Major Orthopedic Surge...
- Relationship Between a Sepsis Intervention Bundle ...
- Perioperative Care of the Concussed Patient: Makin...
- Use of the Fluid Challenge in Critically Ill Adult...
- An Etomidate Analogue With Less Adrenocortical Sup...
- Cancellation of Elective Cases in a Recently Opene...
- Cerebral Oxygen Saturation in Children With Congen...
- Automated Cleft Speech Evaluation Using Speech Rec...
- Screening for psychological distress: a new approa...
- Acute Cerebellar Syndrome After Topical Applicatio...
- Pediatric Psoriasis Comorbidity Screening Guidelines
Μαΐ 17
- ► Φεβρουαρίου (2785)
- ► Ιανουαρίου (2830)
- ► Δεκεμβρίου (2118)
- ► Σεπτεμβρίου (877)
- ► Φεβρουαρίου (41)
- ► Ιανουαρίου (39)
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
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