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Φεβ 09
- Dural recurrence among esthesioneuroblastoma patie...
- Reviewing smokeless tobacco epidemiology, carcinog...
- Risk factors for complications in cochlear implant...
- Middle ear microvascularization: an “in vivo” endo...
- Systemic juvenile xanthogranuloma: a case report a...
- First report of COL7A1 mutations in two patients w...
- High Serum Cholesterol Is a Novel Risk Factor for ...
- Fehlerhafte Daten in randomisierten Studien: Stati...
- Macitentan senkt Lungengefäßwiderstand bei CTEPH
- Respiratorisches Versagen: State of the Art – Diag...
- ARDS – Ein Update – Teil 1: Epidemiologie, Pathoph...
- Schlafmangel – Einfluss auf Kommunikation und Inte...
- Senkt die zusätzliche kontinuierliche Infusion von...
- Respiratorisches Versagen: Innovationen zur Diagno...
- Langzeitüberleben nach venovenöser ECMO
- ARDS – Ein Update – Teil 2: Therapie und Outcome
- 50 Jahre ARD-Forschung und -Therapie: Resümee und ...
- Behandlung der Sepsis und des septischen Schocks –...
- Nierenersatzverfahren bei akuter Nierenschädigung ...
- Bowman Birk Inhibitors (BBI) in interception of in...
- Latent human papillomavirus type 16 infection is w...
- Time-course change in temporomandibular joint spac...
- Study of surgical treatment for elderly patients w...
- Root migration pattern after third molar coronecto...
- Age-related prevalence of chronic rhinosinusitis a...
- Repeatability of nasal allergen challenge results ...
- Learnings from a pragmatic pilot trial of text mes...
- Rapid oral desensitization protocol to abiraterone...
- Lack of effect of Grastek® on birch pollen-induced...
- Root migration pattern after third molar coronecto...
- Alloplastic temporomandibular joint replacement sy...
- Latent human papillomavirus type 16 infection is w...
- PRAC Seeks New Pregnancy Prevention Measures For R...
- Larval Therapy for Chronic Cutaneous Ulcers
- A Holistic Care Approach to Malignant Melanoma
- Seasonal variation in circulating group 2 innate l...
- Neoplastic Barrett Esophagus: Endoscopic Piecemeal...
- Adjuvant PD-1 Antibody in Locoregionally Advanced ...
- Phase II Trial of M7824 in Subjects With HPV Posit...
- A Observational Study to Compare Effectiveness and...
- PSTPIP1 controls immune synapse stability in human...
- Evolution of IgE responses to multiple allergen co...
- Table of Contents
- Society Page
- Information for Readers
- Editorial Board
- mDixon-based texture analysis of an intraosseous l...
- Endoscopic Repair of Persistent Oroantral Communic...
- Current status of surgical incisions used in donor...
- Extracellular vesicles from human liver stem cells...
- Oral health-related quality of life changes in chi...
- Feasibility of Salvage Selective Neck Dissection a...
- Multiple Levels of Control Determine How E4bp4/Nfi...
- Cellularity of Thymic Epithelial Cells in the Post...
- Correction: A Plant-Derived Nucleic Acid Reconcile...
- An Immunotherapeutic CD137 Agonist Releases Eomeso...
- Correction: Virtual Sorting Has a Distinctive Adva...
- Novel Transcriptional Activity and Extensive Allel...
- IRF1 Is a Transcriptional Regulator of ZBP1 Promot...
- Simultaneous Recognition of Allogeneic MHC and Cog...
- Staphylococcal Superantigens Use LAMA2 as a Corece...
- IL-10 Deficiency Reveals a Role for TLR2-Dependent...
- Golgi Phosphoprotein 2 Is a Novel Regulator of IL-...
- ISG15-Induced IL-10 Is a Novel Anti-Inflammatory M...
- IL-1 Signaling Prevents Alveolar Macrophage Deplet...
- Cleavage of TL1A Differentially Regulates Its Effe...
- IFN Regulatory Factor 3 Balances Th1 and T Follicu...
- Intrathymic Deletion of IL-7 Reveals a Contributio...
- CD40 Mediates Maturation of Thymic Dendritic Cells...
- Truncation of the Murine Neonatal Fc Receptor Cyto...
- Modulation of the IL-33/IL-13 Axis in Obesity by I...
- The Effects of Dendritic Cell Hypersensitivity on ...
- Putting All the Pieces Together: Clinical, Macrosc...
- Sinonasal Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: Current Challe...
- A Retrospective 20-Year Analysis of Proliferative ...
- Unusual Multinucleated Giant Cell Reaction in a To...
- Can a postnasal drip can be aspirated into the lungs?
- Identification of tumor-reactive B cells and syste...
- Comparison of the Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emi...
- Histopathological Analysis of the Effects of Corti...
- Increased Atherosclerosis Correlates with Subjecti...
- A rare presentation of pheochromocytoma in pregnan...
- The host defense peptide LL-37 is detected in huma...
- Cytokine gene polymorphism in denture stomatitis p...
- Comparison of the Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emi...
- A Rare Form of Corneal Opacity Associated with Spo...
- The Effects of a CCR3 Inhibitor, AXP1275, on Aller...
- Ten-year retrospective clinicohistological study o...
Φεβ 09
- ► Ιανουαρίου (2395)
- ► Δεκεμβρίου (2460)
- ► Σεπτεμβρίου (2605)
- ► Φεβρουαρίου (2785)
- ► Ιανουαρίου (2830)
- ► Δεκεμβρίου (2118)
- ► Σεπτεμβρίου (877)
- ► Φεβρουαρίου (41)
- ► Ιανουαρίου (39)
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Αναπαύσεως 5
Άγιος Νικόλαος Κρήτη 72100
Παρασκευή 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2018
Current status of surgical incisions used in donors during living related liver transplantation – a nationwide survey in Japan
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