Source:Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology
Author(s): Jesca Neftali Nogueira Silva, Priscila Ferreira de Andrade, Bruno Salles Sotto-Maior, Neuza Maria Souza Picorelli Assis, Antônio Carlos Pires Carvalho, Karina Lopes Devito
ObjectiveTo evaluate the influence of lip retraction on cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) assessment of bone and gingival tissues on the labial surface of the anterior maxilla.Study DesignA retrospective study was conducted using measurements of bone and gingival tissues collected from 120 maxillary incisors. The thicknesses of the bone and gingival tissues of different regions were measured on CBCT images, with and without a lip retractor. The thicknesses of the gingival tissues obtained from CBCT were correlated with measurements performed by clinical probing.ResultsThe thickness of bone in the more cervical region presented a higher mean value for exams performed with a lip retractor (p=0.021). The thickness of bone showed a significant correlation with the thickness of the gingiva (p≤0.020) with a lip retractor in CBCT exams. The thickness of the gingival tissue obtained from CBCT scans with lip retraction showed significant correlations with those obtained clinically (p≤0.001).ConclusionThe use of lip retractors is a simple and reliable practice that allows the measurement of gingival tissues on CBCT images. This practice can exempt a patient from an invasive clinical procedure for measuring the thickness of the gingival tissue for implant cases of the anterior segment.
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